
Thursday, March 29, 2012

MP Magwanga hits out at Gema

KASIPUL Kabondo MP Oyugi Magwanga yesterday dismissed the move by Gema leaders to seek postponement of ICC trials as an exercise in futility. He said the Gema’s plan to collect two million signatures to petition for the postponement of the cases against four Kenyans will not succeed. “Their political machinations against the ICC will not succeed. They are day- dreaming. The country is bigger than Gema,” said the MP.
The MP made the remarks at the Sikri School for the Deaf where he presided over the recruitment of ODM members and ratification of new interim officials for the new Kasipul constituency. “By announcing that they are collecting signatures in support for Uhuru (Kenyatta), they are insulting Kenyans and the victims of the post-election violence,” added the MP.
Other suspects who have been indicted are former head of civil service Francis Muthaura, Eldoret North MP William Ruto and journalist Joshua Sang. “It is only four people who are on trial and not the whole community,” added Magwanga. Bridgestone Construction official Tom Okoko asked those seeking signatures to first collect them from people who were affected by the violence especially those still in IDP camps. “You cannot have your cake and it . The suspects must be cleared for them to seek public office,” reiterated Okoko.

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