
Friday, March 30, 2012

Corridors of Power

Outgoing Tourism minister Najib Balala got a rude shock on Tuesday morning shortly after handing over the office to incoming minister Dan Mwazo. His mobile phone line was immediately cut off on instructions of senior bureaucrats in his ministry. When he inquired from the mobile service provider, he was informed the government had issued the order as it is the one which used to pay for the service. Balala was however able to revive the number after a day.
So desperate are politicians — especially incumbent MPs — to raise cash for their campaigns that some of them are getting into all manner of get-rich-quick-schemes. An MP from Nyanza has lost Sh5 million in a fake money printing (popularly referred to as a wash-wash) deal with a clique of West African nationals in Nairobi. The gullible MP was told he had to wire the money to Brazil to buy the special liquid to print Sh200 million of counterfeit notes. No sooner had he wired the money than the West Africans started coming up with all manner of excuses as to why the chemical was not yet delivered in Nairobi. They correctly counted on the MP not reporting the "loss" to the police.
Lecturers at the University of Nairobi are hopping mad at junior employees who have been opening the wealth declaration forms which they have filed and which are supposed to be delivered intact to the Public Service Commission. It seems the nosy juniors have been giggle and marvelling over the material worth or otherwise of some of the country's top academics. What they do not seem to realise is that they are in breach of the Public Officers and Ethics Act and are liable to a punishment of up to five years in jail for unlawfully accessing and publicising information obtained from such forms!

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