
Friday, March 30, 2012

Carry your own cross, Balala told

AN ODM sub-branch chairman yesterday told former Tourism Minister Najib Balala to carry his own cross and stop blaming PM Raila Odinga for his sacking. Gideon Moreka of South Mugirango told the former minister to separate politics and religion saying that the sacking was not about the Muslim community.  “Balala should stop dragging region into his predicament. He should understand that he was sacked because he had declared that he had left ODM,” Moreka said.
Speaking in Kisii, Moreka defended Odinga against claims of dictatorship saying as party leader he has to ensure discipline among members. “Calling the PM a dictator when is discharging his duties is being disrespectful. Balala has been an ODM minister for all this time under the same leadership and has never raised the issue at any party forum," he said.

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