
Monday, February 27, 2012


Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga – who Barack Obama helped place in office in a power-sharing agreement to stop deadly rioting by Odinga’s followers – is now the target of a devastating book by a former top adviser that threatens his prospect for re-election.
Miguna Miguna has handed over to WND senior staff reporter Jerome R. Corsi an 800-page manuscript of the book, which was scheduled to be published in Kenya this year.

Miguna, however, was informed by his publisher that publication in Kenya had to be delayed until 2013, after the presidential and parliamentary elections at the end of the year.

The delay appears to be politically motivated government censorship, said Corsi, who was deported by the Kenyan government in 2008 during an investigative reporting trip.
“Odinga knows his chances of being elected president are dramatically reduced if Miguna’s book is published before this year’s presidential election in Kenya,” Corsi said. “Miguna presents a convincing portrait of Odinga as a ‘political conman’ whose term as prime minister has been riddled by family favoritism, massive corruption, sexual abuses, and public policy incompetence.”
Miguna told Corsi that the book’s publication “will completely change Odinga’s political fortunes and ultimately, the political panorama in Kenya.”
Odinga, a self-proclaimed communist, received his college education in East Germany and named his first-born son Fidel after the Cuban dictator.
Among the more damaging accusations in the book, Miguna charges that Odinga and various Luo tribe leaders practice black magic that incorporates animal slaughter and that Odinga has a voracious sexual appetite that shows no respect for his own marriage or to the spouses of the women who catch his fancy.
“A lawyer by training, Miguna kept copious notes of official government meetings in which he was a participant, as well as diaries of his private discussions with Odinga,” Corsi explained.
“As a result, the book contains dozens of anecdotes of Odinga’s alleged transactions, from immoral sexual exploits, to corruption involving outright theft of millions of dollars in government funds, to accusations that Odinga is over his head in trying to rule a nation as politically complicated as Kenya.”
Miguna’s book provides further documentation for Corsi’s allegation in his 2008 New York Times No. 1 bestselling book, “The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality,” that Odinga signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Sheik Abdullah Abdi, the chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum in Kenya, to support and expand Islam in Kenya.
In the memo, Odinga promised to rewrite the Kenyan constitution to enact Shariah as law in “Muslim declared regions,” elevate Islam as “the only true religion” and give Islamic leaders “oversight” over other religions, establish Shariah courts and ban Christian proselytism.
Odinga’s ties to Obama
Odinga, a fellow Luo tribesman to Obama, was appointed prime minister in April 2008 only after he lost the December 2007 presidential election. The decision to create the extra-constitutional “co-head of state” position of prime minister for Odinga was devised by Obama, former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan and then-U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
The purpose was to stop the wave of tribal rioting and machete-wielding violence against members of the rival Kiduyu tribe in January and February 2008 that arose as Luo members charged their candidate was a victim of voter fraud.
The tribal violence ultimately left 1,000 dead and about a half-million homeless. Some 800 Christian churches were destroyed or burned to the ground, without a single mosque being damaged.
WND reported the existence of a strategy document developed by Obama and Odinga during Obama’s 2006 senatorial “fact-finding” trip to Kenya. It called for Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement to exploit tribal tensions should Odinga lose the 2007 presidential challenge, as a means of keeping alive his aspiration to be Kenyan head of state.
During the 2006 trip, Obama campaigned so openly for Odinga that Kenyan government spokesman Alfred Mutua went on Kenyan television on behalf of Kenyan President Kibaki to object that Obama was meddling inappropriately in Kenyan politics, as WND reported.
WND further reported documentary evidence that Obama contributed nearly $1 million to the ODM in support of Odinga’s 2007 presidential campaign. An ODM campaign accounting document that listed the contribution as coming from “Friends of Senator BO.”
Also listed as financial contributors to Odinga’s 2007 presidential campaign were the late Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi and his second oldest son, Saif el-Islam Gadhafi.
Should Odinga win the Kenyan presidency in 2012, it would presumably end the dual head-of-state configuration, with the position of prime minister created for Odinga in 2008 going dormant.
As WND reported in 2008, Corsi was deported from Kenya on the last day of a 10-day investigative visit to Nairobi, after the Kenyan government refused permission for him to hold a scheduled news conference in Nairobi about his investigation into Obama’s Kenyan links.
Corsi and his publicist, Tim Bueler, were detained by Kenyan immigration officials and soldiers armed with automatic weapons who later that day took them to their scheduled departure flight to London. The officials made it clear Corsi was not welcome to return.
Pre-publication bestseller
Miguna anticipates the hype and suspense about his book will make it a bestseller in Kenya, even if a U.S.-based publishing house publishes the book internationally.
“At the beginning of this year, a foreign embassy in Nairobi conducted an unscientific survey that found there were three events most Kenyans eagerly anticipated,” Miguna told Corsi in an email.
The first was the decision by the International Criminal Court in The Hague on Jan. 23 that top-level Kenyans would face trial for their role in the post-election violence in Kenya. The second was that presidential and parliamentary elections would be held in 2012. And the third was the publication of Miguna’s book.
“In other words, this is a book nearly all Kenyan adults are waiting to read,” Miguna wrote. “I’m confident that anticipation will generate the kind of interest like no other.”
Miguna noted that of Kenya’s 42 million people, more than 15 million are literate and aged 25-55, a core book-buying audience.
Then there are 3 million Kenyans around the world, including more than 1 million in the United States.
“Other than Odinga himself, my name receives the most hits in all Kenyan websites and blogs,” Miguna pointed out. “It does not matter the topic.”
Miguna, a lawyer by profession, counseled Odinga through the post-election tribal violence that marred the contested 2007 presidential election. He then served as one of Odinga’s senior advisers on legal and constitutional affairs as Odinga assumed the position of co-head of state along with President Kibaki.
On Aug. 4, 2011, Odinga summarily dismissed Miguna with a letter that charged him with unspecified acts of misconduct.
“There was no notice or warning, nor were there particulars of the alleged ‘misconduct,’ Miguna writes in the preface to his unpublished book, circulated to Corsi under the working title “Peeling the Mask: A Memoir.”
Miguna further complains that the sealed dismissal letter marked “Top Secret” was delivered to him 28 hours after the government released the news to the media.
“There was no notice or warning,” Miguna writes. “Nor were there particulars of the alleged ‘misconduct.’ I hadn’t received any letters of complaint. There had been no investigations of the alleged complaints, if there were any. Neither had Mr. Odinga established a credible inquiry over the scandalous allegations, not even a kangaroo court.”
Era of Obama
Corsi said he has been in continual contact by email and telephone with Miguna since receiving the manuscript last week.
“Odinga and his supporters will attempt to dismiss the book as the angry retaliation of a scorned adviser,” said Corsi.
“But anyone who reads the manuscript will see Miguna has written a thoughtful memoir reflecting not just on Odinga’s failings, but more importantly on the political challenges facing Kenya as seen by an in-person participant in the politics of Kenya during the era of Obama, the first son of Kenyan descent to reach the presidency in the United States.”


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