
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Kibaki’s moment of grief with Michuki widow, family

Posted  Saturday, February 25  2012 at  20:23
President Mwai Kibaki’s personal grief over the loss of Cabinet minister John Michuki played out on Satuday when he and his son Jimmy spent more than two hours privately consoling the widow and children of the veteran politician.
The President arrived at Mr Michuki’s home in Ridgeways, Nairobi, at 11.30 a.m. accompanied by his son Jimmy, Head of Public Service Francis Kimemia and Nairobi Provincial Commissioner Njoroge Ndirangu.
He had just arrived from London earlier in the morning where he attended an international conference on Somalia, when he visited the family of Mr Michuki who he described as “a very dear friend, colleague and patriot”.
Mr Michuki’s widow, Josephine, received the President soon after his entourage drove into the neatly-set compound where relatives and friends had gathered to pray and condole with the family.
The President looked dejected – having lost two friends, Mr Michuki and veteran politician and business magnate Njenga Karume in quick succession – and soon after stepping out of his car gripped both hands of Mrs Michuki for a moment.
He spoke to her for a while and then proceeded to greet sons Martin, Francis, Chege and daughters Sheila, Wanja and Anne Kagwe who had lined up to welcome him.
Mr Michuki’s son-in-law and former Cabinet minister Mutahi Kagwe lined up with the family to receive the President.
Relatives and other visitors watched from a close distance as the President consoled the sons and daughters before he was led into the house.
The compound was engulfed in silence and all eyes were trained on the President as he held the hand of Mrs Michuki leading the entire family to their living room.
All the President’s men, including his aide de camp Col G.K. Muturi, personal secretary Prof Nick Wanjohi, Mr Kimemia, Mr Ndirangu and head of the Presidential Press Service Isaiah Kabira, later walked out of the house and the doors to the entrance locked.
Only Jimmy Kibaki accompanied his father in the session with the family. The rest of the presidential entourage proceeded to the tents that had been set up for mourners at the compound.
President Kibaki and the family later emerged from the house and posed for a family photograph at the doorstep of Mr Michuki’s elegant house.
Soon after, other family members, including brothers and sisters of the minister, lined up to meet the President. Mrs Michuki introduced them and President Kibaki took his time to greet and meet the family.
Later, he exchanged words again with Mr Michuki’s widow and children before he was driven out of the compound.
“We have spent quality time with the President and we have recorded his dedication to the friendship with the late Mzee (Mr Michuki),” said Mr Kagwe after the session.
He said the family had “bitings” with President Kibaki and his son who encouraged the family to be strong.
In his condolence message on Tuesday, the Head of State prayed to God to give Mr Michuki’s family and constituents the strength and fortitude to bear the great loss.
He eulogised Mr Michuki as “a dear friend, colleague and patriot. Mr Michuki will be remembered as a focused public servant, determined businessman and issue-oriented politician. He was a true family friend and a dependable ally”.
The requiem mass will be held tomorrow before the final send-off at his home in Kangema on Tuesday. Mr Michuki will be given a state funeral.

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