
Friday, December 30, 2011

Presidential hopefuls endear themselves to voters over holidays

Presidential hopefuls for 2012 yesterday continued to endear themselves to the voters as the country prepares to usher in the election year. Speaking in the Coast region, Planning assistant minister Peter Kenneth asked the voters to consider fresh leadership which is non-tribal when election time comes.
Addressing locals at Ukunda, Lunga Lunga, the assistant minister said tribal politics had undermined quality leadership in the country and sabotaged development and improvement of the quality of life for the citizens. He said he has identified 13 sectors he will give priority if Kenyans elect him to the office. They include national security, food security and employment, health care, education and tourism. Also in the list is slum upgrade, water, agriculture, diaspora, environment and manufacturing. “Politics of tribalism is what we should avoid, it is time for the country to have a fresh leadership that will look at development issues seriously,” said the Gatanga MP in Ukunda.
He added that he planned to hold a series of sessions between January to March to get the views of voters on how the country can be made better. Other areas he visited include Lamu and Mpeketoni.
On his part, Prime Minister Raila Odinga who is in India for a holiday concentrated on education sector and hailed Kirinyaga county for emerging the best in the just released Kenya Certificate of Primary Education results. “It is a distinction many would have loved to own and which Kirinyaga will stay with forever and cherish for many years to come,” the PM said in a statement.
He called on leaders to push hard for a faithful implementation of the constitution and devolution. He said with a faithful implementation, provisions such as the Equalisation Fund will see the counties which performed poorly pick up and catch up with the rest. The PM also called on leaders to avoid blame games and the temptation to condemn and victimise teachers in schools which underperformed but to instead work together with the government for lasting solutions.

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