
Friday, December 30, 2011

Iteere gives assurance over new year security

Police Commissioner Mathew Iteere has assured members of the public of increased security surveillance as they prepare to usher in the new year. Iteere said yesterday that security has been beefed up in major towns across the country over the festive season. He said a high number of police officers in the streets and villages had ensured peaceful Christmas celebrations. “We’ve addressed security threats in Mombasa and Nairobi. We have arrested six suspects in past few days, two in Mombasa and the others here in Nairobi. We are on high alert and we are going to increase police visibility in public places in those areas,” said Iteere
He challenged Kenyans to remain alert and especially those who own business premises to help security officers in identifying threats to national security. “While all Kenyans must enjoy during the festivities, they must take cognizance. This is not the time to relax, duringChristmas and the New Year. We have seen the level of alertness has gone down. Security guards and managers of premises frequented by the public should know that in fact, they shift to a higher gear,”
He said patrols would be increased especially in Nairobi, up from the usual. The police chief urged managers at public places like restaurants, bars, nightclubs and matatu termini to check their customers where need be. Kenya has locally been put on alert as the military battles to fight the Al-Shabaab militia inside Somalia.

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