
Friday, December 30, 2011

The cutting edge

Posted  Thursday, December 29  2011 at  18:33
RESTAURANT A DISGRACE. Once a decent place patronised by many, Rangers Restaurant at the Kenya Wildlife Service headquarters in Nairobi has become a real disgrace, says Hillary Wameyo. He adds: “It’s saddening how the facility has been run down.” He recently went there for dinner and found the service appalling, “while the food was so cold that it was not worth my hard-earned money. The once famous restaurant has been reduced to a poor eatery with lousy music.” If management wishes to have a word with Hillary, his contact is
DANGEROUS RUSTLERS. Some things can only happen in Kenya, remarks Dr Muruka Kays, wondering how 32 cows could just vanish from an apparently well-guarded facility in Nairobi. He simply cannot believe that the pen holding such a large number of animals, which were on “dangerous vaccine trials”, could not have been fully secured. Dr Kays hopes that the culprits will be hauled in soon and charged with endangering lives.
WHERE’S THE POWER? Attracted by the Kenya Power slogan, “Umeme kwa wote” (electricity for all), Beth Wanza rushed to apply for connection to her house in Thika South on July 8, promptly paying all the charges. To her surprise, the power has not been connected to date. Ironically, some of her neighbours who applied much later,already have electricity. “What are the criteria used to connect power to residential premises?” asks Beth, whose application number is E 25832011010147. Her contact is
MULTICHOICE, ANSWER THIS. What became of Multichoice Kenya’s raffle for subscribers who pay their monthly dues through M-Pesa? asks Jacki Akinyi, who confesses that she had robustly participated, hoping to win one of the big prizes. With not a word coming from the organisers, Jacki has been calling the DStv call centre, whose attendants have denied any knowledge of the contest. Her account is 45335310 and she can be reached through Over to you GM Stephen Isaboke.
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MOTORISTS WATCH OUT. Beware a gang of con mechanics targeting motorists in Kisumu Town, especially those driving newly-registered cars, warns Amos D. Odero. “They believe the owners of the newer cars are new drivers who are not experienced and knowledgeable enough about motoring.” The most notorious spot, he adds, is Obote Road. “They will flag you down and tell you that your wheels are wobbling. Should you stop, you will be surrounded by a mob that will touch this and that and demand a lot of money. Don’t allow these crooks to tamper with your vehicle.”
BUNCH OF HYPOCRITES. As the year comes to an end taking the top prize for hypocrisy, Dave Tumbula declares, are the politicians who cling to their old parties as they blatantly sing praises and recruit members into the new outfits on whose tickets they hope to defend their seats in next year’s elections. “Former Constitutional Affairs Minister Tom Mboya was, indeed, ahead of his time. He foresaw this shameless habit of politicians and pushed in the 1960s to have those who fall out with their sponsoring parties seek fresh mandates from voters.”
Have a principled day, won’t you!
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