
Friday, December 30, 2011

Corridors of Power

A few weeks ago, deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta resolved to retreat back to Kanu and revamp it. Plans are now underway to have all Kanu offices countrywide refurbished and get a new coat of paint on the even of the new year. Insiders have said this is part of the renewal exercise for the country's oldest political party as the election date beckons.
Some con-men from Central Province have been calling Prime Minister Raila Odinga's office masquerading as his ardent supporters. The chaps have been using all manners of tricks to endear themselves to the PM and claim they are well placed to market his ODM party in the vote rich region. Some of them have even gone to the extent of claiming that they are columnists in the daily newspapers and therefore have the ability to tilt opinion favour of the PM. Curiously, they have also been demanding facilitation fee to continue doing what they claim to be doing!
A diplomatic row is reportedly brewing between Kenya and Uganda over the two countries military involvement in Somalia. After the Kenya government announced that the Kenya Defence Forces will be part of AMISOM, Kenya has been insisting that it should also take up some leadership position in the operations of the UN backed mission. Our moles tell us that Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is very unhappy with the proposal as he wants Uganda, which has been part of AMISOM for long time, to continue being in command.
An MP from North Eastern has reportedly instructed his bodyguard to “deal” with a journalist who has been writing stories of underdevelopment in the region. The MP is agitated that the stories are portraying him and other leaders from the region in a negative manner. The bodyguard, on the orders of his boss, has on several occasions issued direct threats to the journalist who has reported the same to the police. It does not seem to be helping as the police have refused or are unwilling to look into the matter.

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