
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Uhuru-44%, Raila - 41%

Poll: Inflation worrying Kenyans

Written By:KBC reporters,    Posted: Fri, Nov 04, 2011
Sugar tops the list of basic foodstuff whose prices have drastically gone up
The high cost of living is the most serious problem facing Kenyans today.
The latest Ipsos- Synovate Group opinion poll reveals that 69 percent of Kenyans were more concerned about the rising inflation reported at 18.9 percent in October with only seven percent worried about unemployment and another six percent about famine.
Ipsos Synovate Managing Director Maggie Ireri noted that the prices of basic foodstuff, kerosene and fuel had drastically gone up over the last few days increasing the financial constraints on Kenyans. 
Some of the essential commodities whose prices have doubled include maize  flour and sugar.
Petrol has also gone up  from104 shillings in April to 130 shillings, Diesel from 94shillings to 119 shillings and kerosene from 84 shillings to 88 shillings.  
"If you go to the retail markets you'll find that a kilo of sugar in April was Sh98 but is currently being sold for Sh220 in some outlets. That's quite high and it's no wonder Kenyans are saying that the high cost of living is the most serious problem facing them," she explained.
The survey conducted between October 15th and 23rd shows increasing support for the ICC process following the confirmation hearings with Prime Minister Raila Odinga still the favorite presidential candidate. 
It indicates that 34 percent of Kenyans would vote for Raila while 24 percent would vote for Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta if elections were held today.
William Ruto is in third place with 10 percent, in terms of popularity, while Vice President Kalonzo is in fourth place with 9 percent. Martha Karua has a 5 percent popularity rating while Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa has 2 percent.
Other presidential aspirants have less than 2 percent. The study however shows that there would probably be a runoff between Raila and Uhuru.
"Slightly more Kenyans (44 per cent) would vote for Uhuru and 41 per cent would vote for Raila in a run off, said Ms Ireri.

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