
Sunday, November 27, 2011

President campaigns for councillor, throws Kiunjuru party in disarray

President Kibaki led a team to campaign for a PNU councillor in his Othaya constituency.
In what might be interpreted as protecting his turf, Kibaki was concerned that ‘outsiders’ had infiltrated Othaya ‘spreading falsehoods’.
And in an uncharacteristic manner, Kibaki personally led the by-election campaigns following reports that Mwangi Kiunjuri’s Grand National Union (GNU) had gained ground in his backyard.
The President appeared to be sucked in the local politics as he chose to lead the campaigns much to the chagrin of some local leaders.
Kiunjuri together with former Mathira MP Nderitu Gachagua have led GNU campaigns in the ward and speculation was rife the party would win the seat.
As a result of Kibaki’s tour, GNU was forced to cancel its campaign for the party candidate George Maina Kariuki.
Kiunjuri and Gachagua immediately called a press conference where they cried crticised the President’s move.
In a statement, Kiunjuri said it was unusual for the President to lead by-election campaigns of a civic leader.
"It is unfortunate that some people have misled the President that GNU is in Othaya to undermine his leadership," said Kiunjuri.
He added: "It is important to note that yesterday was supposed to be our day for campaigns, but we did not because of the respect we have for the President."
Kiunjuri said the GNU candidate felt intimidated by the State machinery.
But Kibaki who rarely involves himself in campaigns surprised many when he turned up for the campaign of Karima Ward PNU candidate Zachary Kiragu.
Accompanied by Cabinet ministers Njeru Githae and Esther Murugi, Kibaki addressed several roadside rallies before holding a meeting at Othaya CDF office.
The ward goes to the ballot tomorrow in a by-election following the death of councillor Patrick Kahiko.
Although PNU has a candidate in the Kitutu-Masaba by-election, also set for tomorrow, the President surprised many by skipping the campaigns to lead those of a civic ward in Othaya.
The last time he participated in by-election campaigns was in 2006, when he campaigned for William Kariuki after his father Mirugi Kariuki died in a plane crash.
But on Saturday, Kibaki who rarely attacks personalities claimed that some politicians from outside the constituency were spreading falsehoods.
To emphasise the importance of a PNU win in the by-election, Kibaki said he had to travel at night from an Igad meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to be in the campaigns yesterday.
"After the meeting in Ethiopia, I had to come back home because I did not want to miss this opportunity to be with the people of Karima. We arrived at night ready for this important task," he said.
He added: "In the morning, I was told it is difficult to travel by air because of the weather. I told them bring the best vehicle because we have to be there."

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