
Friday, November 11, 2011

PNU Alliance becomes a fully fledged party

Written By:VPPS,    Posted: Fri, Nov 11, 2011
The Vice President revealed that PNU alliance had great support from not only Kenyans in the country but also the rest in the Diaspora
Party of National Unity (PNU) Alliance is a fully fledged registered political party and is ready to field a Presidential candidate through a competitive democratic nominations come 2012 general elections, Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka said on Friday.
Mr. Musyoka announced that his ODM-K will join other like minded political parties to form a formidable force to form the next ruling political party that will oversee the continuity of President Mwai Kibakis's legacy after the 2012 general elections.
The Vice President was speaking on Thursday evening during a house warming dinner at the PNU Alliance Headquarters in Livingtone, Nairobi where he was the Chief Guest.
Mr. Musyoka said the party is ready to field candidates in all elective seats ranging from parliamentary, senate and governorship and will aim at clinching majority seats including the leadership of party representation in parliament.
He said PNU alliance is in a position to address the many challenges facing Kenyans that include poverty, unemployment and socio-economic development.
"This party will produce a candidate who will beat the rest and form the next government," he expressed confidence.
The Vice President revealed that PNU alliance had great support from not only Kenyans in the country but also the rest in the Diaspora.
"The journey of a thousand steps starts with a single one, we have started and no turning back, we will move forward with confidence that we are going to form the next government," he said.
Mr. Musyoka commended the PNU Secretariat for their efforts in managing the affairs of the party for the last one year since it was registered.
He said the party will produce candidates for elective posts through a transparent and democratic nomination process to win majority seats come 2012 general elections.
"This party is transparent and open, we have goodwill from all Kenyans and we will make sure that we clinch majority seats come next general election," he added.
Minister for Trade, Chirao Ali Mwakwere, said PNU Alliance will form a formidable political movement with other likeminded political parties to win the country's Presidency come 2012 general elections.
Mwakwere said his Shirikisho Party of Kenya is fully in support of the PNU Alliance and will produce candidates who will win the 2012 general elections and spur the country's socio-economic development to greater heights.
Also present were the secretariat and part officials led by the PNU Alliance Chairman, Titus Ibui, his Vice Chair, Gabriel Mutunga, Director, Yusuf Abubakar, Secretary General, Beatrice Elachi and organizing Secretary, Peter Ole Sapalami among other.
During the event, the guest made financial contributions towards the running of the secretariat where the Vice President gave Ksh. 500,000, Uhuru Kenyatta sent 500,000, George Saitoti, 500,000 William Ruto, 250, 000 Mwakere, 200,000 and the secretariat through the Chairperson gave Kshs. 1.2million.

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