
Sunday, November 6, 2011

ODM to purge party of rebels

By Standard Team
With the 2012 election year under two months away, ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga has embarked on an ambitious plan to clean up house and install a loyal team for his presidential run.
The Orange Democratic Movement will use the upcoming party elections to initiate his campaign and fill in the void left by the Pentagon, which was made up of regional political luminaries.
Raila’s team wants individuals believed to be a liability to the PM’s ambitions and those with split loyalties to be replaced with those they deem to be vibrant and capable of marshalling a winning campaign machine.
Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi is thought to have spoken for the party when he recently said the grassroots elections give the Orange party an opportunity to eject internal spies.
"We want to clean up the party to ensure we do away with spies so we that can move forward united".
Already Raila’s campaign team is taking shape with former Kenya Ports Authority Managing Director Brown Ondego joining Raila’s campaign team as head of resource mobilisation.
This week, the party’s National Governing Council and the Parliamentary Group are set to meet to fine-tune the November 24 elections details.
Hague cases
Investigations by The Standard On Sunday revealed that party Chairman Henry Kosgey, who has been lukewarm ever since he was named as a suspect at the Hague-based International Criminal Court over the 2007 post-election violence, is set to defend his seat.
Raila is said to have had several meetings with Kosgey after the Tinderet MP gave indications of joining a group critical to the PM and which is led by Eldoret North MP William Ruto.
Kosgey, who also had to resign from the Cabinet over an ongoing corruption case, has not publicly featured in ODM activities for over one year now.
His Cabinet slot was surprisingly reserved in a reshuffle that saw Ruto and Helen Sambili edged out.
Raila’s team has also been grooming the vocal Budalang’i MP Ababu Namwamba to take over the secretary-generalship from Medical Services Minister Anyang’ Nyong’o, who was influential in the 2007 elections.
The minister’s ouster is being pushed by disgruntled party MPs. "What is clear to us is that nobody at the Prime Minister’s office or in Parliament and even in the party wants Nyong’o as the party head anymore," said an influential MP from Nyanza.
Bonchari MP Charles Onyancha as national treasurer to replace former South Mugirango MP James Magara, who quit the party in the run-up to the by-election in his constituency.
Sources said a previous plan to have Kajiado Central MP Joseph Nkaissery as secretary-general was shelved after the minister’s loyalty was brought to question.
A top-level ODM strategist also revealed that several MPs, among them Cabinet ministers Mr Fred Gumo, Mr Amason Kingi, Mr Chris Obure, Dr Sally Kosgei, Mr James Orengo, Mr William ole Ntimama and Mr Franklin Bett are among leaders slated for key Raila campaign responsibilities.
Others are Assistant ministers Bishop Margaret Wanjiru, Mr Mohamed Gabow, Mr Alfred Khangati, Mr Mohamed Mohamud and MPs Mr Polynce Ochieng’ (Nyakach), Mr Hassan Joho (Kisauni), Mr Benjamin Washiali (Mumias) and Justus Kizito (Shinyalu).
It emerged that ODM was strategising for 47 strong personalities take charge of its branch offices at the counties. Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo, however, said the new line-up had not been firmed up, adding that most incumbent officials could retain their positions.
Re-energised party
"We have not really made conclusions but what I know is that Kosgey will remain the party chairman under a re-energised ODM," said Midiwo.
He said there was increasing support for Onyancha to take over the treasurer’s position.
However, some Nyanza MPs were said to be pushing for Obure for the position.
In an interview with The Standard On Sunday, Namwamba said he would at the right time declare his interest in any one of the 27 national positions. "My concentration at the moment is to ensure I mobilise the people of Budalang’i to remain active in ODM and strengthen the party. If at the right time I feel that I should go for any national position, I will let it be known," Namwamba said.
He, however, admitted that there had been pressure from individuals within the party for him to go for the secretary-general’s position.
"I have heard this murmurs ...but at the moment that position is not vacant. There is a very able secretary-general in the name of Prof Anyang’ Nyong’o," said Namwamba.
Mr Benjamin Washiali, the deputy chief whip, said ODM was keen to put in place a strong team at the grassroots.
"I know the party is keen on a strong office. That is why I am going back to the grassroots to seek Kakamega County chairmanship," he said.
Migori MP John Pesa, who is the chairman of the Nyanza Parliamentary Group, said ODM would need serious party officials to help it revive its flagging network in some regions.
The party’s Director of Elections Joseph Misoi said the date of the party’s National Delegates Conference will be known after November 27.
"We shall hold elections on November 24 at the sub-location level, November 25 (location), November 26 (sub-branches/ constituencies and culminate on November 27 at the counties," he said.
He said the party anticipates free and fair elections, but that returning officers at the grassroots would determine whether to adopt secret ballot or queue voting.

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