
Monday, November 14, 2011

Missing former MP returns home

A former MP who went missing last week returned to his home over the weekend bringing to an end his family’s agony.
Police said he was in good health. Mr Henry Ronguno arap Cheboiwo informed them that he left his home on his own to meet his "personal friends in Nakuru and in Kiambu".
And as he returned home, a magistrate entangled in a land dispute with the former MP presented himself to the police in Baringo and recorded a statement over the disappearance.
Baringo OCPD Ndung’u Ikonya said the magistrate turned up at his office yesterday morning after he was summoned following concerns by the former MP’s family that he had initially taken him and brought him back.
"The summoning of the magistrate was part of our investigation on whether we will take any further action against him,’’ said the OCPD.
Dropped him
Cheboiwo’s family are demanding for further investigation saying given his advancing age, it was not possible for him to leave on his own without somebody tricking him.
The family also wants police to investigate who dropped him home in a private car a day after the The Standard carried a story on his disappearance.
"I have met Cheboiwo and he says he went to meet his former colleagues and personal friends in Nakuru and Kiambu," said the OCPD.
Cheboiwo’s disappearance came three days after he was reportedly been picked and returned by a taxi driver. Ikonya said he has since established that Cheboiwo’s family and the magistrate had associations dating back many years.
The family led by Cheboiwo’s wife Christine reported his disappearance to the police after his mobilephone went off causing anxiety.
Sunday, the OCPD who visited Cheboiwo at his rural home upon his return said personal deals between the family and their former lawyer were private and civil in nature .
Cheboiwo’s family and the magistrate are tussling over a 15-acre piece of land.

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