
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Forget ODM and PNU, Jirongo urges voters

Lugari Mp Cyrus Jirongo (right) speaks to journalists during a past press conference at Serena Hotel.
Photo/FILE Lugari Mp Cyrus Jirongo (right) speaks to journalists during a past press conference at Serena Hotel.  
Posted  Sunday, November 6  2011 at  12:50
The time has come for voters in western Kenya to ditch ODM and PNU at the 2012 General Elections.
Lugari MP Cyrus Jirongo on Sunday faulted the two political parties saying they had nothing to show after failing to deliver on promises they made in 2007.
He claimed the two parties were part of a scheme to exclude Western Kenya when picking their flag bearers for the next General Election but this would not deter him from running for the country's top seat.
“We are engaged in efforts to form a formidable alliance bringing together communities from Rift Valley, Coast, Kisii and other parts of the country before making the next move in our strategy to win the presidency,” he said.
The MP said the move by deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi in declaring that he would seek the ODM ticket as party flag bearer was meant to hoodwink voters from the region.
“As things stand, we already know that the matter of who will be the ODM flag bearer at the next poll is foregone,” he said.
The MP was addressing councillors from Kakamega, Vihiga, Busia and Bungoma counties. 

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