
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bunge staff protest over top manager’s salaries

By Kenyaradar Reporter
Gwasi MP John Mbadi has now threatened to release names of corrupt members of the Parliamentary Service Commission even as parliamentary staff protested a recent pay hike for parliament’s top managers.
The legislator said that some PSC members have enriched themselves beyond believe and have been practicing ethnicity in recruitment of staff.
“We are going to expose them because we have evidence on what they have been doing here,”Mbadi said.
The MP’s move is receiving hueg support from among members of parliament who want a total overhaul of the commission chaired by house speaker Keneth Marende.
Mbadi said that the theft of public funds at the secluded accounts of the national assembly is done through smoky procurement deals.
But even as the war on the PSC raged on staff at the national assembly have been angered by the recent pay hike of key managers at the National Assembly.
“We are being mistreated,what is happening in parliament is unfair and we must do every thing to ensure the public knows about this matter,”read an anonymous email send to media houses yesterday.
Some junior staff have got as little as Sh 500 in the proposed pay increament while key managers have scaled up their salaries by huge digits.

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