
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ruto: UDM will be in next government

Eldoret North MP William Ruto
Photo/FILE Eldoret North MP William Ruto 
Posted  Saturday, October 29  2011 at  19:50
Eldoret North MP William Ruto led a group of MPs in drumming up support for UDM party in Baringo County where he expressed optimism that the G7 alliance would clinch power next year.
Speaking at Churo trading centre in Baringo East district during a funds drive in aid of Tangulbei and Churo divisions women groups on Saturday, Mr Ruto differed with Prime Minister Raila Odinga for calling on Kenyans to shun politicians who were opposed to the new Constitution during last year’s referendum.
Mr Ruto, who was accompanied by former Speaker of the National Assembly Francis ole Kaparo, told off the PM, saying portraying in bad light would not give him any political advantage.
“If he wants those who opposed the new Constitution not to be elected, what will happen to the millions of voters who supported them? Will they also be told not to vote?” Mr Ruto wondered.
He said that Kenyans were aware that his team was not entirely opposed to the new Constitution but had taken issue with some areas, which needed to be amended.
“If the new Constitution is as good as they wanted people to believe, then why are they saying some areas like the election date should be amended?” he posed.
Last week, Mr Odinga told Kenyans to be cautious of leaders who opposed to the new Constitution, saying they would stifle the implementation of the supreme law.
The UDM leaders reiterated that the PM must take political responsibility over the loss of millions of shillings meant for youth under the Kazi Kwa Vijana (KKV) programme.
“He is the one who started the political responsibility concept and should do the respectable thing and accept his own philosophy,” Mr Ruto said.
He told Baringo county residents that UDM would form part of the government after next year’s elections.
Mr Ruto promised Kenyans that once his team takes over the government, a fund will be set aside to assist young people and women in starting or boosting their economic activities.
He said they would devise a model where youth and women would have a special bank that would be offering them interest free loans.
Local MP and Higher Education Assistant minister Asman Kamama announced that he would be teaming up with UDM in the forth coming General Elections.
MPs Dr Robert Monda, Sammy Mwaita and MP Omingo Magara were in the company of Mr Ruto.

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