
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Raila told to make public payments on project

By Peter Opiyo and Felix Olick
Two youth organisations have asked Prime Minister Raila Odinga to ensure critical financial information on Kazi Kwa Vijana is made public.
Youth Agenda and National Youth Sector Alliance have threatened to take appropriate constitutional action if the documents are not made public for verification.
In a statement delivered by Youth Agenda chief executive officer Susan Kariuki, the youth leaders said they would ensure those found culpable take responsibility.
But the Office of the Prime Minister dismissed allegations on the misuse of Kazi Kwa Vijana funds, saying there was no basis to conclude that the money was stolen.
Permanent Secretary in the PM’s office Mohammed Isahakia said the allegations are propaganda targeting the PM and his office. He said some of the expenditure may have been ineligible for funding by the World Bank, but that does not mean money was lost.
"What this means is that some monies may have been used for purposes that are not consistent with the objectives of the project or World Bank policies. It does not necessarily mean that money was stolen," said Isahakia in a statement.
Further, he said the World Bank has not determined whether any of the expenditures under question is ineligible.
"This is to be done after review of relevant documentations jointly by the bank and the PM’s office," he said.
Isahakia said the PM’s office received only Sh142 million for co-ordination and supervision and that Sh54 million had been spent.

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