
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Of Annan, Anyah, Miguna, Orengo and Raila

« Thread Started Yesterday at 7:44am »
· When Raila suddenly made his outburst, IN A MAGISTRATE’S COURT, apparently/belatedly, but cowardly, responding to Kenyatta’s statement, MADE AT THE HAGUE, many might have dismissed the same (outburst), directed at President Kibaki, as just your normal petty politics but, alas, it has much more meaning than meets the ear!

· Sample this: Kofi Annan and Morris Anyah are in town, the latter sneaking stealthily like a thief; Kofi Annan first met the CJ, Mutunga, in the morning, on 19th October, 2011 ; then he met Raila; Anyah met Miguna on 19th October, 2011, under the cover of darkness, at the Norfolk Hotel; Anyah again met Miguna, at the Norfolk Hotel, today (20th October, 2011), in the morning; Anyah proceeded to meet the real-lion-turned-timid-domesticated-cat, Jimmi Orengo, at the Norfolk, very much under cover; the media got wind, of course and invaded the Norfolk Hotel, forcing an embarrassed Morris Anyah, the (Naivasha) PEV victims’ lawyer (at the ICC), to give up the hide-and-seek nonsense, etc.

· So, who is fooling who here? What is the relationship between Annan and Raila; Annan and the CJ; Annan and Anyah; Annan, Anyah and Orengo; Annan, Anyah, Orengo, Raila and the CJ; and how does Miguna seat in all this rigmarole? It has everything to do with the ICC. Period!

· Recall also the fact that Orengo stayed very late with Moreno-Ocampo, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, during the big meeting, at the same hotel, immediately before the summonses; remember the serious suspicions concerning ODM-KPU’s hand in the ICC process, assisting Ocampo holistically; remember the letters written by the ODM-KPU to the Pre-Trial Judges urging them to “hang the six suspects”; recall the letters written by the ODM-KPU to the Security Council urging the powerful organ to dismiss the deferral request put by our mature, statesmanlike President, Mwai Kibaki, for his six subjects;

· Remember two other meetings Orengo held with Ocampo, in Washington, USA; recall the secret meeting Raila held, in Iran, with Adesola Adebayejo, Ocampo’s deputy; add to that deadly conspiracy of evil the fact that Adeboyejo used to work at the Arusha ICC Court and must be well known to the ODM-KPU tricksters; add to this the fact that Miguna and Salim Lone were at The Hague during the entire period of the summonses; so who had invited them and what role were they playing?

· Pursuant to the above, it is abundantly clear that there is a further conspiracy to interfere with the ICC process; to seek to influence the Judges, one way or the other, before arriving at their decision to confirm or not to confirm the cases!

· Anyah should not be hiding, at the Norfolk Hotel, rather he should have been with the victims/IDPs, at Naivasha; he made his submissions at the ICC, so he should be putting down or summarising his final submissions before the expiry of the deadline extended him by Judge Ekaterina, etc.

· Kofi Annan was a spectacular failure at the UN, as Secretary General: that is when 1 million people died in the Rwanda genocide; that is when thousands died in Sierra Leone; that is when thousands died in Liberia; that is when people died in East Timor; that is when the Iraq and Afghanistan were invaded; that is when his son made millions (using Annan’s name) in the UN food-for-arms programme in Iraq, etc. In all those deaths, Annan never raised a voice!

· So, whose interests is he serving, internationally and locally? He is already deeply involved in ODM-KPU matters: is he a member of ODM-KPU and what is his membership certificate number? He is in the annoying habit of issuing nonsensical instructions, as if he is Kenya’s prefect, but it is all meaningless because he is an interested party. His Southern Consulting group has also been carrying out one-sided opinion polls that serve no useful purpose.

· Annan irregularly took Waki’s envelope to Ocampo without consulting Kenya’s judicial authorities or his appointing authority, the Africa Union (AU), denying Kenya the chance to exhaustively look into all available remedial options, making Ocampo’s entry, therefore, appear premature and fairly inconsistent with the letter and spirit of the Rome Statute. Annan, Ocampo, Anyah, etc. have all behaved selectively, favouring ODM-KPU side; selectivity is itself an aspect of impunity and one can never use impunity to fight impunity!

· With due respect, fellows like Annan should just be snubbed, when they come calling the same way President Kagame, of Rwanda, snubs Annan.

· The long and short of all this: Raila’s statement was encouraged by Annan; Annan knew Anyah was in town and must have been coordinating their crooked exploits, all inimical to Kenya’s tranquility ; Lone, Orengo and Miguna must be helping fine-tune the submissions to make them more potent; and, of course Annan is the bridge to the disaster called Ocampo.

· But quite apart from the conspiracy of evil, Raila exhibited hatred, bitterness, desperation, a foolish degree of provocation bearing in mind he intends to visit Nyeri, on 21st October, 2011. Or does he intend to provoke the proud people of Nyeri into something messy; and if that is the case, what does he expect to achieve and who is encouraging him?

· We should also recollect a proposal made by Miguna, sometime last year, suggesting that UN forces should be deployed to supervise the 2012 elections. Do you smell Annan? Do you smell Salim Lone? Do you smell Orengo, Anyah, etc? What is the role of the CJ, in all these evil schemes targeting a section of the Kenyan society? Yes, you heard it right: A section of the Kenyan society. The plot thickens! NB: When Raila called President Kibaki a “coward and hypocrite”, in 2001, he added that “Kibaki will never be president of Kenya!” Well, dreams are perfectly OK but could he have been dreaming about himself?

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