
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ngilu's Theatrics May Not Save Her Fading Political Career .

Saturday, 08 October 2011 00:06 BY PHILIP MUASYA . There is every possibility that some of the front runners in the presidential race are considering picking women as their running mates to improve their chances of winning the presidency. This may be informed by the fact that women who are majority voters have now realized their political strength. Of main focus is the ODM, touted as the most popular political party. The PM Raila Odinga, who will definitely fly the party’s presidential flag might be tempted to choose a woman as a running mate to conciliate the women voters. The trouble is that just like their male counterparts, the female candidates must demonstrate leadership skills and political clout. Some have touted NARC party leader, Martha Karua as a possible running mate for Raila and emissaries are secretly being sent to convince the iron lady to suspend her ambitions and join Raila’s camp. In all fairness, Karua is a woman who can convincingly mobilize the women's vote. If she could be Raila’s running mate, ODM would be a formidable force that would be hard for the G7 to beat. On the ODM side, only two women come to the fore: Dr Sally Kosgei and Water Minister Charity Ngilu. Raila may need their backing to win the presidency. The focus here however should be on Ngilu who is considered as the senior most female politician, having given the presidency a stab in 1997. Ngilu’s deeds, pronouncements and body language are meant to amplify the point that she is the best suited female candidate to become Raila’s running mate. Indeed Ngilu’s desperation to have the PM declare her his running mate is manifestly clear. She has confided to her close allies that it is only a matter of time before Raila makes this ‘big announcement’. This may not be a far fetched theory since Raila has over time stood with Ngilu, at one time announcing publicly in Kitui that he would personally defend Ngilu against accusations of graft in her ministry. As it turned out, this was a ploy to win Kamba’s support and Raila’s ‘reckless’ words caused a consternation across the country forcing the PM and his handlers to melt under the heat. In quick succession, Raila issued a terse statement denouncing his earlier words and distanced himself from Ngilu. Evidently a lot of water has gone under the bridge since Ngilu contested for presidency. Then she was young, rich in ideas and a wise political strategist. Today Ngilu is old, sounds bitter and hollow and lacks her political steam. Sadly she has expended all her political ammunition. In the recent past, Ngilu has been entangled in a web of corruption scandals touching on her close family members and friends. However much she tries to shake off this ghost jeopardizing her political career, it lingers on. But being a typical Kenyan politician, Ngilu’s survival tactic is to shift the blame. In a desperate bid to remain relevant politically, her constant defense is that political enemies are out to finish her, and she has found a punching bag in the person of Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka. Last weekend Ngilu flanked by her comrade-in-Kalonzo-bashing, Mutito MP Kiema Kilonzo chose a far flung village in Zombe where the minister castigated the VP alleging a plot to “finish my family”. This was after Ngilu’s son-in-law Mr. Billy Indeche and Mr. Dennis Apaa, husband to Ngilu’s confidant and Tourism Assistant Minister, Hon. Cecily Mbarire among others were arraigned in the Anti-Corruption Court. Speaking in her mother tongue, the minister, obviously spoiling for war spoke emotionally as she blamed Kalonzo for her woes. Granted the VP has some explaining to do about his development record but how Ngilu sees Kalonzo’s hand in her troubles even when it is clear the law is catching up with her is unexplainable. Her choice of the desolate village where poverty and illiteracy reigns supreme was also appropriate since she knew the locals would swallow her lies lock, stock and barrel. Listening to Kiema allege that the VP’s failure to defend Ngilu against corruption accusations confirms he is the one fighting her was really cheap and foolish. The truth is the two are on their deathbeds and nobody considers them relevant in Ukambani politics. In fact they are regarded as political outcasts. Ngilu is begging Raila to rescue her dying career while Kiema hopes to benefit from the windfall. While this was happening, Cecily Mbarire, obviously reading from Ngilu’s choreographed script was in her village blaming Ukambani politics for her troubles and that of her mentor. The truth is no body is fighting Ngilu politically. She is only scared of her own shadow. The minister has clearly lost national appeal, her political train has derailed and it will crash with fatal consequences. Because of the mega corruption scandals, she is now a political liability. Ngilu has moral baggage that does not conform to the tenets of the new constitution, this is why Raila, a man who likes pleasing the West, will snub her because inviting her to his camp would be inviting irreversible curse.

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