
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Kuti backs Ruto for presidency in 2012

ELDORET North MP William Ruto's camp has received a boost after Livestock Mminister Muhamed Kuti pledged to support his presidential bid. Kuti who is the Isiolo North MP made the announcement in Nandi County while officiating the opening of Tanykina milk cooling plant,. He said Ruto had all it takes to lead the country "I have closely watched this man (Ruto) and I have seen he is serious with his presidential bid," Kuti told a rally in Kipkaren on Wednesday.
He said Ruto's track record both at the ministries of Agriculture and Higher Education is a clear testimony that the Eldoret North MP is a performer. "I am ready to work with like-minded Kenyans like him (Ruto) who are ready to steer this country into the next step" he said. He said he has a close relationship with Ruto since his days at the Ministry of Agriculture.
Ruto, who has announced his bid to run for president next year, is seen to be pulling his muscles to win the Northern Kenya and parts of Eastern province. Speaking at the event, Ruto said he is looking for other like-minded Kenyans to work with. He said his mission to bring on board other members from other communities are going on well. "We are looking for people who we can work together and not followers," said the Eldoret North MP who has announced to run on a UDM ticket.
He said he was negotiating with some people in Nyanza on how they can work together. He said he already has such members from Coast, Eastern and North Eastern province "We are looking for a strong team which can answer to the sufferings of Kenyans," he said. "That is why we are not concentrating in one place." Eldoret Southy MP Peris Siman asked the local residents to support Ruto in his presidential bid since his success depends on them. Ruto who faces criminal charges at the ICC said he is optimistic that he will be cleared since he is innocent man. 
The Ruto group comprises Trade minister Chirau Ali Mwakwere, Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa, Dujis MP Aden Duale and former assistant minister Omingo Magara. Dualle yesterday said Kuti's move is welcome adding that it will increase Ruto's chances of winning the presidency. "Kuti is a demonstrated and respected leader," said Dualle, "with time you will see UDM having a large number of followers."

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