
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Kibaki challenges leaders to serve justly

Written By:PPS, Posted: Sun, Oct 09, 2011 President Mwai Kibaki is joined by his family and the clergy during a Thanks giving Prayer Service at Othaya Approved School grounds in Nyeri President Mwai Kibaki has challenged local leaders to focus on serving the nation and its citizens with humility and in a just manner. Acknowledging that authority to lead comes from God, President Kibaki asserted that a leader must carry the burdens of an entire nation and its citizens and not a section of the citizenry. The Head of State was addressing a mammoth congregation on Sunday in his Othaya Constituency where he attended an interdenominational thanksgiving prayer service. The President cautioned leaders against being drunk with power and reminded them that God is the only one who ordains authority which must be exercised with utmost responsibility. He said, "Kenya belongs to God and Kenyans are a God's creation. All positions are God given. Focus on serving the entire nation and its 40 million residents." President Kibaki particularly warned leaders against blinding pride which he termed as the basis of tribulations and downfall of any leader. Urging Kenyans to uphold hold love and unity he expressed optimism that more Kenyans had experienced improved living standards due to various projects being initiated in all parts of the country. He affirmed that Kenya had become an example of how steadfast commitment to serving wananchi could significantly raise their living standards. The President remarked, "There is evident change in the living standards of Kenyans when anyone tours the countryside." During the magnificent occasion, President Kibaki thanked Othaya constituents for maintaining peace, supporting and allowing him time to serve other regions of the country. The President emphasized that there was no need to engage in bitter rivalry at spheres of life especially in the political and religious matters. The Head of State thanked the religious leaders for organizing such an amazing interfaith prayer session and affirmed that that was the best way to forge ahead, heal the nation and seek God's divine direction in all matters. Addressing the congregation, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta noted that President Kibaki's leadership has steered the nation since pre-independence days. He stressed that President Kibaki has been at the centre of Kenya's development milestones for many years and thanked God for blessing Kenya with such a visionary, humble and tolerant leader. Mr Kenyatta underlined that the President never answered his critics but entirely focused on serving the nation and its citizens hence providing an excellent climate for unrivaled development in the country. He underscored that the current expanded democratic space being enjoyed in the country was milestone achieved under his leadership. Mr Kenyatta affirmed that the President is leader whose advice and input on how a nation should forge ahead shall remain a treasure for this country even in his retirement. Said the Finance Minister, "President Kibaki is not only a role model but also exceptional mentor in leadership whose legacy will be remembered for many years." Former Vice-President, Moody Awori thanked President Kibaki for illustrious political career which started in Nairobi and later in Othaya where he has left behind lasting achievements. He credited President Kibaki with reviving of the country's economy, equitable development of the nation and promotion intercommunity harmony and tolerance. Special Programmes Minister Esther Murugi said that Nyeri County would continue to consult President Kibaki even in retirement so as to make it an envy among others. Trade Minister Ali Chirau Mwakwere termed President Kibaki a great respecter of the rule law and constitutionality as evidenced throughout is reign as the President. He affirmed that Kenyans had many lessons to learn from President Kibaki's leadership especially love, humility, tolerance, inclusiveness and avoidance of discrimination. Speaking on behalf of the First Family Jimmy Kibaki reiterated that leadership is a privilege to serve others with the aim of improving their lives and not an opportunity to satisfy selfish ambitions. He noted that President Kibaki was an example of a servant leader whose God fearing predisposition had enable the constituency and the country at large enjoy immense development. The President's son thanked Othaya constituents for their steadfast support to the Head of State adding that there have never been any political campaigns in the constituency for many years because they had faith his leadership. Others who addressed the occasion included Foreign Affairs Minister Moses Wetangula,local leaders representative Daniel Wamahiu and Othaya CDF Chairman Mwangi Karanja. The sermon was delivered by the Catholic Archbishop of Nyeri His Grace Most Rev. Peter Kairo. Other religious leaders offered prayers for the nation, the First Family, local leaders among other needs. In attendance were cabinet ministers, assistant ministers, legislators, civic leaders from across the Nyeri County and people from all walks of life.

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