
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Kibaki advises presidential hopefuls

Posted  Sunday, October 9  2011 at  22:30
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President Kibaki has appealed to those eyeing the presidency after he retires next year to put the country above self and tribe.
He said a good leader should think of improving the lives of all Kenyans.
“Leadership comes from God and should be used to serve everyone because everything comes from our creator,” he said.
In a speech laden with spiritual references, the President called on leaders to desist from preaching hatred and to stop abusing one another.
“You should not go around portraying yourself as superior to the next person. In any case, who tells you that you are the best so that you can go boasting in front of others?” he asked.
President Kibaki was speaking in Othaya during a thanksgiving prayer.
He thanked the people of Othaya for electing him for more than 30 years, giving him an opportunity to serve Kenya.
In the clearest indication ever that he is preparing for his retirement next year, he said he was privileged to have served the country as President and had also developed other parts of the country, not just Othaya.
“Everywhere you go, people are as happy as you,” he said. He appealed to those aspiring to lead not to concentrate on areas that they favoured.
The meeting was attended by five Cabinet ministers, four assistant ministers and three MPs from Nyeri County.
Speakers lavished praise on the President, who retires next year after completing his constitutional term.
Deputy Prime Minister and Finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta said the President was tolerant as he had refused to respond to public insults hurled at him. “Were it someone else, he would have avenged the insults.”
He asked Kenyans to thank the President for his contribution to the country’s development, which he said stretched back before independence.
He urged President Kibaki to make himself available for advice after retirement.
Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetang’ula listed the gains made during the Kibaki presidency such as the birth of a new constitution.
He also cited the rural electrification programme, free education and improved road infrastructure.
Trade minister Chirau Ali Mwakwere praised the President’s leadership style, saying it allowed ministers a free hand in running public affairs

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