
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Kenya PM in Norway for energy conference

Written By:Margaret Kalekye/PMPS, Posted: Sun, Oct 09, 2011 The Premier is expected to tour several countries in Europe during his weeklong official visit. Prime Minister Raila Odinga arrived in Oslo, Norway Sunday, for a two day visit, during which he will attend a conference on partnership for funding of energy organized by the Norwegian Government. The Energy Plus Partnership will be opened on Monday by the Prime Minister of Norway Mr Jens Stoltenberg and will be attended by several heads of state and government. UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon will also address the conference. The Oslo Conference seeks to explore ways for universal access to energy, and sources of finance for such programs for the poor. Mr Odinga will address the conference Monday where he will highlight the significant the Government of Kenya has taken to increase availability of and access to energy in the country. The PM will also seek to interest private sector players and the Norwegian government to partner with Kenya in some of the energy generation programs that the Government is pursuing, most of which have huge financial requirements. Some of the programmes Mr Odinga hopes to secure funding for include coal mining, geothermal power development and development of Turkana Wind Farms. The government projects that it will take some $18 billion to develop 5000 megawatts of geothermal power by 2030 and about $50 billion to increase the country's total power generation from the current 1,460 mega watts to the 21,620 mega watts projected for Vision 2030. After Oslo, the PM will travel to Coppenhagen, Denmark on a similar mission and return to Nairobi on Thursday. The PM left the country Saturday night for Europe where he is expected to tour several countries during his weeklong official visit. Notable personalities in the Premiers' entourage were Cabinet Ministers Paul Otuoma, Amason Kingi, John Munyes and Moses Watengula and Assistant Ministers Elizabeth Ongoro, Kabando Wa Kabando, Alfred Khangati.

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