
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Kalonzo meets Kalenjin leaders to woo voters

VICE President Kalonzo Musyoka moved to secure the Kalenjin vote when he met professionals, politicians and stakeholders from Baringo county over the weekend.
Kalonzo who met more than 300 leaders on his tour of the North Rift told the community how he had served under former President Moi diligently. “The Kamba community where I come from voted for Moi all through and Kalenjin should in return reciprocate by supporting me,” he said.
Kalonzo, who was accompanied by Machakos Town MP Victor Munyaka, said Kenyans respected the retired President and that the same will happen when President Kibaki retires. "I was one of those individuals in the Narc administration who prevailed upon the government not to do any harm to the retired President and that he should be left to live in peace," the VP said.
During the forum, the leaders who included Baringo North MP William Cheptumo and his Baringo Central counterpart Sammy Mwaita raised development issues that they want addressed by the government. The VP presided over a fund raiser in aid of Full Gospel Church in Kipsraman before he flew to Kilingo't for another funds drive for the local school.
Kalonzo promised to focus on alleviating poverty and unemployment once he takes over the country's leadership. He said it is disturbing that majority of Kenyans face poverty and that necessary policies should be introduced to fight the vice and also create employment.
The VP said the Kalonzo Foundation will work with area leaders to help tackle socio-economic problems that have taken too long to be addressed. ”The community will be ready to support the Vice President for the country's top seat. Their stand will remain firm because Musyoka had the necessary experience and was a religious person,” said Cheptumo.
Munyaka said the time has come for the VP to lead when President Kibaki retires next year and Kenyans are willing to elect him come the next general election. Nakuru based businesswoman Susan Chesyina who is aspiring for the seat of women's representative in Baringo county, said the Vice President should ensure the gains made by women in the new constitution are not adulterated.

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