
Sunday, October 2, 2011

ICC hearings resume Monday

Written By:Diana Okemwa ,    Posted: Sun, Oct 02, 2011
The court will hold five sessions starting 11am Kenyan time.
The confirmation hearings for the second batch of six individuals implicated in the 2007/2008 post election violence will resume on Monday at the International Criminal Court after a two-day break.
The court will hold five sessions starting 11am Kenyan time.
The defense team of Post-master General Hussein Ali will take to the stand after the prosecution's submission of evidence against him.
Ali, who was the police commissioner at the height of the violence, will present two defense witnesses.
Hearings for Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta and Head of Civil Service ambassador Francis Muthaura came to a close last week.
The hearings for the three are scheduled to end this Wednesday.
The first batch of the Ocampo six, MPs William Ruto and Henry Kosgey and radio presenter Joshua Arap Sang had an equal share to present their side of the story early last month.
The Pre-Trial Chamber II will after 60 days of the confirmation hearings either confirm one or more of the charges for trial, or dismiss all of them, for one, two or all the suspects.   
Elsewhere, Public Health minister Beth Mugo has defended Deputy prime minister's defense strategy at The Hague, saying the defense was based on facts.
Last week Uhuru took to the witness throwing blames to PM Raila Odinga for not quelling the tempers of his supporters after the announcement of the 2007 disputed presidential results.
Mugo says Uhuru's defense was not based on the 2012 presidential contention.

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