
Saturday, October 1, 2011

Eugene opens Nakuru office

SABOTI MP Eugene Wamalwa will preside over the opening of the New Ford Kenya offices in Nakuru tomorrow. Wamalwa who is a member of the G7 and nursing presidential ambition will on Sunday attend church service at the Metropolitan church before addressing various groups in the town.
The MP said the tour is part of his campaigns to boost New Ford Kenya. He added that he was confident that the party will receive huge boost from former Ford Kenya members and others who are decamping to his party.
He pointed out that New Ford Kenya was a party of reformists and would work with other like-minded parties to ascend to leadership come the next general election. “Time has come for change of guard in the country’s leadership and the youth should take up the responsibility to take over the mantle,” he said.
During the previous visit Wamalwa then contesting for the Ford Kenya chairmanship opened the offices that are situated on Nyamakoroto building in Industrial area. He is expected to be accompanied by top officials of the party who include Minister Soita Shitanda and Bonny Khalwale.

The MP said Nakuru was a cosmopolitan area that requires that all communities coexist peacefully to allow fast development of the county. Party supporters, according to the local organizers led Benson Otieno and Hosea Wenyanya said they expected party officials from Koibatek, Baringo, Naivasha, Molo and Narok.

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