
Friday, October 28, 2011

Corridors of Power

We are told that officers in the Office of the Prime Minister have been brainstorming over whether or not to hire a PR consultant to advise them on how to handle the Kazi Kwa Vijana saga which is fast developing into a full blown crisis. The officials are considered that if the situation is not handled properly, it might have an impact on the PM's stab at presidency in 2012.
A former CEO of a state corporation who was recently suspended as he waits for the courts to clear or convict him has found a novel way to ensure he continues to draw his full salary while he is still on suspension. The man recently applied to his PS who strangely enough appended his signature to a letter indicating that the man was on leave and therefore entitled to his full salary and not on suspension which would have seen him receive only half his pay. A civil rights lobby group has threatened to move to court to expose 'the fraud' if the PS does not withdraw the letter.
Officials in the Sports ministry are in a panic after sports organisations which entered teams in the All Africa Games in Maputo compiled and presented to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, a dossier raising questions about the manner in which the funds allocated by the government were spent.
A former permanent secretary and provincial administrator, who wants to be the first ever governor of Garissa county was a guest on a local radio talk show where he was subjected to incisive and probing questions from callers. During the no-holds barred talk show, the man had to answer questions about his performance as an administrator and his record as a defender of human rights. The callers were not averse to telling the man to consider shifting his political interests elsewhere as he was unlikely to be successful in Garissa!
Makadara MP Mike Sonko now wants the government to not only complete its investigations into the Sinai fire but is demanding that the survivors be issued with new identity and voters cards. Sonko says its urgent the survivors get the documents as he claims most of them are his constituents and he would want them to vote for him if National Assembly Speaker Kenneth Marende declares his seat vacant after he was expelled from Narc Kenya.

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