
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Corridors of Power

The ICC confirmation hearings have put one of the Ocampo Six on the edge. Our mole says the suspect was irritated by one of his witnesses who seemed to deviate from the script prepared by his lawyers. The suspect was so incensed that he started questioning the witness's level of education for inability to follow simple instructions.
The top manager of a parastatal in the Tourism ministry has got into trouble with some board members. The man, who rarely spends time in the office and is always on one trip or another, reportedly got a loan to buy himself a vehicle. The board members have now ordered a recall of the Sh1 million loan and issued instructions that the man surrender the money.
The CID division commanders are raising questions about last week's decision by their boss requiring all CID cars in Nairobi to fuel  at the CID headquarters at Mazingira House. The commanders wonder why they should drive all the way from the far corners of the province —  eg Chumvi which is at the junction leading to Machakos turn-off on the Mombasa-Nairobi highway or from Ongata Rongai —  just to fuel at Mazingira. The commanders would rather be allowed to fuel at stations convenient to their stations instead of having to drive all the way to Kiambu Road.
Weeks after Parliament wrote the Director of Public Prosecution asking him to investigate the role of PNU activist Mary Wambui in the Artur Brothers saga, the DPP is yet to take action. Our moles tell us the issue is a political hot potato and the DPP is unsure how to handle it.

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