
Sunday, September 11, 2011

VP tells teachers to go back to class

Written By:VPPS,    Posted: Sat, Sep 10, 2011

The VP told teachers to report back to work and make good use of the remaining time
Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has commended teachers for ending their strike and urged them to get back with the task of nation building.
Mr. Musyoka said teachers should now manage their time well and compensate for what they have lost to enable students sitting for national examinations prepare well.
The Vice President was speaking Saturday during the Great Girls Day at Machakos Girls High School in Machakos County, an event where the school's old girls were revisiting their academic roots.
The Vice President who also officiated the ground breaking ceremony for the construction of the school's post-modern library , called on students to develop a reading culture to enable them expand their knowledge and world view.
Mr. Musyoka said for students to excel academically they must embrace the reading culture and go an extra mile in accessing books in the internet.
He told the students that the future was in their palms, and for them to succeed in life they must utilize whatever opportunity they have to improve in their studies to enable them fit in the job market.
Konza Ranch
The Vice President dismissed allegations that he was objecting the sub-division of the Konza Ranch cooperative society land to members.
"Why should I object the sub-division and yet am not a member", Mr. Musyoka said.
He however said if there are any issues the members want him to assist them with he was ready to give a hand.
Mr. Musyoka said the decision of the members to sub-divide the land amongst the shareholders should be honored and urged them to be cautious to the people they were selling their parcels of land and shares to.
The School's Principal Florence Mulatya said the construction and equipping of  the new library will require Ksh. 47 million and called on stakeholders to assist financially for the school  to realize its dream.
The  Director of Administration in the Ministry of Cooperative Development  Mrs. Emily Gatuguta said the great girls were determined to give back to the society and in particular Machakos Girls High School for laying their foundation.
She said the foundation they received has helped them to influence policies in society.
The Machakos Town Member of Parliament, Dr. Victor Munyaka who had accompanied the VP, urged the girls to work hard and improve their mean score.
Later, the Vice President attended the burial service of late Alphonce Mwangangi Kamelo who was laid to rest at his Kaluoki village, Kiima kimwe in Machakos County

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