
Monday, September 5, 2011

Stop attacking PM over your sacking-Upper Eastern Leaders tells MP Ali

By EDWIN MUTAI in Nairobi County September 5, 2011Leaders from Upper Eastern Province have hit out at sacked former Special Programmes Assistant Minister Mohammed Ali for attacking Prime Minister Raila Odinga.
The leaders led by former Moyale MP Mohammed Galgalo and Isiolo Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) chairman Adan Jirwa accused Mr Ali of fostering hatred against the PM following his sacking in a mini cabinet shake up two weeks ago.
The leaders who included 20 others said the Moyale MP should blame himself for the axing saying he had defected from the party that sponsored him to parliament.
Mr Galgalo said the criticism that the MP continues to direct at the PM are unwarranted since he chose “to work with parties that compete ODM” and had therefore left the party.
“Mr Ali should know that the PM together with President Mwai Kibaki appointed him to cabinet.
 He therefore should have known that he was serving under the preserve of the two. What did he expect he openly showed loyalty to another party other than the one that sponsored him to Parliament? He should stop criticizing the PM,” said Galgalo.
The leaders drawn from Borana community from Isiolo, Marsabit and Moyale constituencies condemned Ali’s attack on PM.
“We are dismayed by Ali’s attack on PM who appointed him to cabinet. He betrayed ODM and worked against his nominating authority. He is on record as having dared the PM to sack him and true in the interest of the party the PM sacked him,” said Jirwa.
Addressing the press at a Nairobi Hotel, the leaders wondered why the Moyale MP is belatedly crying foul yet he is the one responsible for the sacking.
“This MP has spoken numerously that ODM is dead in upper Eastern. Let me tell you here that upper eastern is an ODM zone and we welcome the PM to tour this area and see for himself,” said Galgalo.
Mr Galgalo said the Grand Coalition Government has done allot to the people of this region citing the construction of the Moyale-Marsabit Isiolo road, the planned construction of an Airport in Isiolo and the water boosers the government is using to supply water to the people and livestock in this region.
Mr Galgalo however appealed to the government to beef up security between Isiolo, Marsabit and Moyale area to ensure safety of Kenyans living there.

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