
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Presidential aspirants assemble campaign squads

By Isaac Ongiri

Presidential candidates are putting up campaign squads and enhancing their international links.
They are not leaving anything to chance as they strategise to outsmart each other’s political strategies in Kenya’s biggest transitional elections next year.
The drive for greater international connections is also bred by the new Constitution that allows a voting Diaspora.
Prime Minister Raila Odinga is secretly constructing his campaign machinery, with discussions in progress on who to bring on board at the top level.
Raila has enlisted top international scholars and political brains to reinforce another team of advisors being assembled locally.
The PM’s team has also identified property within the Upper Hill and Lavington areas in Nairobi to house different divisions of his campaign groups.
His campaign will run from three buildings in Upperhills, Lavington and Hurligham.
An aide privy to operations at the Office of the Prime Minister, where the PM’s strategies are discussed, said Raila has plans to tour the Middle East, Asia, The Americas and Europe towards the end of the year.
The tours will culminate into a formal announcement of his presidential candidature early next year.
The PM is also said to have cultivated good rapport with British Prime Minister David Cameron, Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel among others.
Foreign ties
In Africa, the PM has kept his ties with South African President Jacob Zuma, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir and Rwandan President Paul Kagame. He is also reaching out to Nigerian leader Goodluck Jonathan.
Raila has also worked on a diary that will include a tour of Bethlehem in Israel before the end of the year.
"The PM is preparing for the biggest campaign. He is aware of the massive resources at the disposal of some of his opponents and is leaving nothing to chance. His campaign team is being constructed in top confidence and will be unveiled in months, "said a Raila confidant.
Further, the PM is identifying point men to stage his campaign in all the counties.
Raila’s team is putting focus on Central and Eastern Province from where he believes his "victory is hinged on"
Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo, a key member of the PM’s team, however, said it was too early to reveal campaign strategies.
"It good to plan for the future but at the moment, I want to advise we concentrate on issues affecting Kenyans such as hunger, the teacher’s strike and others," Midiwo said.
Vice-President Kalonzo Musyoka is also leaving nothing to chance.
Kalonzo, who has already re-branded his ODM-K party, has acquired property in Lavington from where his campaign team is being assembled.
According to nominated MP Mohamed Affey, a member of the VP’s think tank, the team will operate from Wiper House.
"We have other strategic offices outside town, where our presidential candidate will operate but we can’t reveal this," Affey said.
African friends
He said the VP had established links with various African leaders alongside others in Europe and Asia.
Kalonzo also enjoys closes links with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and was in the process of courting the embattled Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi before things fell apart in Tripoli.
Kalonzo also enjoys good working relationship with Tanzania President Jakaya Kikwete, Sudanese President Omar El Bashir and President of Djibouti Ismail Omar Guelleh.
Eldoret North MP William Ruto has already set up his campaign headquarters at Upper Hill, Nairobi.
Cherengany MP Joshua Kutuny said an elaborate campaign think tank to plan Ruto’s strategy is being enlisted.
"We are working with local scholars and we have established a secretariat from where the technical staff of Ruto’s campaign machinery will be based," he said.
Kutuny further said the Eldoret North MP enjoys close links with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and his Tanzanian counterpart Jakaya Kikwete.
Two months ago, Ruto visited Kampala and Dar-es-Salaam to hold separate talks with the two East African leaders.
Saboti MP Eugene Wamalwa has organised tours of Europe and the US in November.
"I am taking off for a marathon tour of Europe and the US the whole of November. This will be for purposes of resource mobilisation and also to sensitise the diaspora on the new Constitution," Wamalwa revealed.
Assistant Minister Peter Kenneth has also set up his campaign centre at Upper Hill, Nairobi, and is said to be fishing for staff and advisors before he can take off.
The legislator is also said to be putting up an elaborate transport system for his campaign groups.

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