
Sunday, September 11, 2011

PM Odinga faults teachers union officials

Prime Minister Raila Odinga (R) shares a light moment with Foreign Affairs assistant minister Richard Onyonka during a service at the Gekano Catholic Church in Kitutu Masaba, Nyamira County on September 11, 2011. Photo/PMPS
Prime Minister Raila Odinga (R) shares a light moment with Foreign Affairs assistant minister Richard Onyonka during a service at the Gekano Catholic Church in Kitutu Masaba, Nyamira County on September 11, 2011. Photo/PMPS 
Posted  Sunday, September 11  2011 at  16:49
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Prime Minister Raila Odinga on Sunday criticised leaders of teachers unions of noncommittal to improving education standards in the country.
“They want the government to employ more teachers and pay their members high salaries. But they do not take disciplinary measures on some of their members who have rundown schools in terms of performance in national exams,” he said.
The PM said some schools which used to excel in national examinations have nose dived due to mismanagement by teachers under the ignorance of union officials.
“We cannot take this country to a higher level if our schools are not producing the best students to be professionals in various fields after completing universities,” he said.
“As the government strives to improve the welfare of teachers by employing more staff, the union officials should also take action against underperforming teachers," he added.
Mr Odinga was speaking at Gekano Catholic parish in Kitutu Masaba constituency in Nyamira County where he attended a mass service.
The PM singled out three schools, Cardinal Otunga - Mosocho, Nyabururu Girls' and Gekano Girls' secondary schools, whose performances have been below par over the years.

“We must put strategies in place to revive these schools and I call upon wananchi to team up with the government in this endeavour” he said.
He commended the Catholic church for establishing educational institutions with some being the best performing schools.
The PM said Kenyans will benefit from devolution next year when the constitution is fully implemented.
The PM said those who opposed the passage of the constitution should not be entrusted with its implementation and must be given a wide berth by voters.
He said it was laughable that they were now uniting to oppose him in the presidential race next year.
“Am not afraid of them and we are ready for them as ODM,” he added.
The tour of Nyamira County is viewed as a head start for ODM campaigns in the forthcoming by-election in the region.
Mr Odinga announced that the ODM party will conduct nominations for candidates in the forthcoming Kitutu Masaba by-elections.

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