
Sunday, September 11, 2011

I have not abandoned you,Raila tells the Maasai

– SEPTEMBER 11, 2011

Raila and Kibaki signing the national accord
Prime Minister Raila Odinga has said that he had to agree for power sharing in the 2008 after the discredited presidential election for the sake of peace in this country.
Speaking in Kilgoris Town of Narok County at the weekend, Raila said he surrendered the presidential seat for the sake of millions of Kenyans who were heading to an abyss of death due to the post election violence.
He was accompanied by Ministers James Orengo (Lands), William ole Ntimama,Assistant James Gesami(public health minister )MPs, Nkoidila Ole Lankas (Narok South), Gideon Ole Konchellah(Kilgoris) and Nominated MP Rachel Shebesh.
“I am not a power hungry person and that’s why I decided sacrifice the presidency seat since the post chaos would have ruin this country,” said Raila.
He said that it was not good for him to cling to the power yet Kenyans we turning against and he had to initiate for mediation talks end the deadlock.
At the same the Prime Minister has denied claims by the Maasai leaders that he had sidelined the community over the ministerial positions soon after the last general election.
Recently in the region, Defense Assistant Minister Joseph Nkaissery led two MPs to accuse Prime Minister for sidelining the community in the recent cabinet mini-reshuffle and threatened to quit the party and support their own in the next’s polls.
But the Maasai Professionals led by their chairman Joseph Sonkori defended the Prime Minister Raila Odinga and urged him to sack
Nkaissery and give the post to Narok South MP Nkoidila ole Lankas being disloyal to the party.
The premier said that the community is luck as they got three ministerial posts in ODM and another one headed by Prof.George Saitoti ,who also hail from the community.
He said that the ODM was still the party to watch in 2012 general election and challenged their political rivals to embrace themselves for a great political battle.
Earlier, Orengo said urged President Mwai Kibaki to announce Raila as his successor as a way of rewarding Raila for supporting him in 2002.
“It was now pay back time for President Kibaki after Raila ’s Kibaki Tosha declaration which made him ascend to power and completely changed the politics of this country,” said Orengo.
The local leaders petitioned the premier to address the problem of road infrastructure which has retarded development in the region.

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