
Sunday, September 18, 2011

AP goes berserk, shoots two in Dagoretti

By Nation Correspondent
Posted  Sunday, September 18  2011 at  08:21
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An Administration Police officer shot dead a man and woman at a bar in Nairobi's Dagoretti area early Sunday.
Constable John Kararu, attached to the Dagoretti district commissioner, shot dead two patrons at Mukaru Gardens bar located at the Naivasha - Kinyajui road junction in Dagoretti around 3am.
Initial reports indicate the officer got embroiled in a spat with patrons in the bar over a matter yet to be known.
He is said to have then left the premises to fetch his firearm from his house located in the nearby. Upon return he ordered the bar maids to leave the premise before opening fire on the patrons.
Jane Wangeci, 37, and a man known only as Harrison died on the spot. An unknown number of patrons are said to have also been injured.
His colleagues, responding to the gun shots, arrived at the scene of crime and managed to disarm him. 13 spent cartridges were recovered at the scene while four live ammunition remained unused in the G3 rifle.
Intriguingly, Constable Kararu managed to escape police custody after being arrested, roaming in the neighbourhood as a fugitive for over four hours before we was re-arrested at around 8am.
Dagoreti DC Cornelius Wamalwa confirmed the arrest.
Last year seven administration police officers were charged with killing seven taxi-drivers in the same area. (READ: APs deny killing 7 taxi drivers)
Ahmed Mohammed, Ahmed Abdallah Shaffi, Michael Ngungu Lewa, Moses Lochich, Nelson Kipchirchir Too, Erick Ebere Melchizedek and Alex Muteti Mutisya appeared before Lady Justice Jessie Lessit.
The officers aged between 22 and 25 were accused of killing Harry Gideon Thuku, James Mugweru Mwangi, Joseph Maina Mwangi, George Ng’ang’a Thairu, William Gitonga Njau, Joseph Ngugi Chege and Joseph T. Njoroge.

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