
Monday, August 1, 2011

Ocampo to disclose more evidence against Kenyans

Ocampo to disclose more evidence against Kenyans
NAIROBI, Kenya, Aug 1 – International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo was on Monday expected to hand over the evidence he has against three of the six Kenyan suspects of the 2008 post election violence.
During the presentations of the Document Containing Charges (DCC) he will deliver evidence against Tinderet MP Henry Kosgey, Eldoret North MP William Ruto and Kass FM presenter Joshua arap Sang.
In his second case he will release evidence against Head of Civil Service Ambassador Francis Muthaura, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Uhuru Kenyatta and Postmaster General Maj Gen (rtd) Mohammed Hussein Ali before August 19.
This follows his request to be allowed to disclose the evidence in two stages.
Mr Ocampo will however release edited evidence due to the sensitivity of the information he has.
In his application in May he had wanted the court to allow him to review the security situation in Kenya and reassess his evidence before he could disclose the evidence as directed by the court in the Disclosure Calendar.
The confirmation of charges hearing is due to take place on September 1 and 21.
The group of Messrs Ruto, Kosgey and Sang which will appear a month from now will be answering to charges of having been part of a plan “targeting members of the civilian population supporting the Party of National Unity, in order to punish them and evict them from the Rift Valley with the ultimate goal of gaining power and creating a uniform Orange Democratic Movement voting block.”
Amb Muthaura, Mr Ali and Mr Kenyatta will appear on September 21 for confirmation of charges hearings in the case where they are accused of committing crimes against humanity consisting of murder, forcible transfer of population, rape, other inhumane acts, persecution in Nakuru, and Naivasha as co-perpetrators.

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