
Monday, July 25, 2011

Raila begins three-day Coast tour

By Paul gitau and Patrick Muriungi Prime Minister Raila Odinga on Sunday began a three-day tour of the Coast just weeks after his political rival Eldoret North MP William Ruto visited the region.
He addressed crowds at Mokowe on the mainland and Kibaki Grounds on Lamu Island town where he stressed the importance of building the Lamu Port, a major hospital and the Tana Delta-Lamu road.
Medical Services Minister Anyang’ Nyong’o, Fisheries Minister Amason Kingi, Lands Minister James Orengo, Minister for Arid and North Eastern Development Mohammed Elmy, Assistant Minister and Lamu East MP Abu Chiaba, and Lamu West MP Fahim Twaha accompanied him.
Raila later flew to Mombasa where he was scheduled to address leaders at a hotel in the evening.
Today, Raila’s tour takes him to Kilifi town and Kaloleni within the larger Kilifi County.
Early in the month, Ruto traversed Kilifi, Mombasa and Kwale counties hunting for votes and popularising the United Democratic Movement with his newfound political ally at the Coast, Trade Minister Chirau Ali Mwakwere.
On Sunday, Raila asked Lamu and Coast residents to support the construction of Kenya’s second principal port in the area.
There was jubilation when the PM announced that the Government would soon allocate residents land and issue them with the title deeds they have long yearned for.
"I would like to inform you that soon, the Government will allocate land to locals and issue them with title deeds," he said.
The PM allayed fears that their land would be taken away by the proposed port project and assured the locals that the Government will soon resettle them. Mr Chiaba and Mr Fahim said although they were not in ODM, they fully supported the PM’s development efforts.
Earlier when the PM arrived, tension was high after locals said they would oppose the port project until the Government resettled and issued them with title deeds. The locals expressed fears that the port project would hive off their ancestral land and vowed to use all means to ensure it did not kick off.
Crisis meetingThe move prompted a two-hour closed-door crisis meeting with the local leaders where Raila allayed their fears.
Raila said the Government was committed to settling squatters in the region to end the perennial land problems in the area. The PM, however, urged residents to cooperate and support the port project, which he said would improve their living standards as well as create employment for thousands. "Mombasa has grown because of the Kilindini port. The proposed Lamu port will be much bigger and hence attract more development," he said.
The PM said design for the proposed port have already been completed and President Kibaki would soon lay a foundation stone to officially launch construction works.
The PM also toured the Mokowe Hospital that collapsed more than 20 years ago and said the Government would revive it and elevate it to a referral hospital.
Meanwhile, the PM has urged Kenyans to shun tribalism, embrace unity and respect cultural practices of all communities in the country.
TribalismHe said for Kenya to realise development goals including health, fighting poverty, illiteracy and poor leadership, all the 42 tribes must co-exist harmoniously. He told leaders to leaders to desist from divisive and tribal politics for their own selfish gains.
"Kenya has 42 tribes which must remain united in order for us to realise our goals. Let us discard tribal out fits such as KKK Alliance. We want one K-standing for Kenya and those preaching otherwise are misleading us," said Raila.
He was speaking at Githongo market accompanied by Lands Minister James Orengo, Higher Education assistant minister Kilemi Mwiria, area MP Gitobu Imanyara, his Igembe South counter part Mithika Linturi and Head of Public Civic Service, Francis Muthaura.
Speaking earlier at Mariene village, in Central Imenti, Raila paid tribute to Amb Muthaura and described him as a professional, hardworking and corrupt free man who respected the law when discharging his duties. Raila had gone to console Imanyara and Muthaura for the loss of a relative.

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