
Friday, July 29, 2011

Corridors of Power

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Share/Save/Bookmark A group of MPs are reportedly pushing for a special meeting to question the chairman of the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution Charles Nyachae over what they see as his "frosty relations" with Justice and Constitutional Affairs minister Mutula Kilonzo. The MPs — majority of them members of the Constitution Implementation Oversight Committee — are concerned that the differences between the CIC and the Ministry are coming out in public which reflects badly on the implementation process.
All is not well at the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB). A little bird has whispered that some of the employees are up in arms against a circular from the Head of the Civil Service Francis Muthaura freezing their salaries and allowances until the proposed Salaries and Remunerations Commission enshrined in the new constitution is established. To hit back, some of the employees consider sabotaging the release of money to the accounts of thousands of university students and blaming it on "system error".
She may have been elected the MP for Starehe. She may have additional responsibilities as an assistant minister for Housing in the coalition government. But Bishop Margaret Wanjiru has not forsaken her service to God. She takes it all in her stride. For the past few days Wanjiru has been in London — not on official government business — but holding crusades to spread the gospel.

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