
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Corridors of Power

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Share/Save/Bookmark AN assistant minister from the PNU has reportedly hooked up with a postulant — a candidate for admission to the nunnery. The man hosted friends over the Easter holidays at a well known entertainment joint in Nairobi. During the partying the Mheshimiwa told his buddies that he and the postulant will soon be holding a grand wedding to formalise what has been longtime affair.
The condolence book of the late councilor Patrick Kahiko Mugo in Othaya where political activist Mary Wambui signed herself in as "Her Excellency Mary Wambui" was taken away after the Star's exclusive report. Two officers in a GK-registered vehicle went to the councillor's home in Kagumo village and asked to be given the book. They drove to the nearby Kagumo Secondary School where Wambui signed the visitors book. The books were taken to away without any explanation to the family or the funeral committee.
A top PNU official who has been participating in the "crowd hiring" business for political rallies is so excited by the revelations contained in the book by former Bahari MP Joe Khamis, The Politics of Betrayal, Diary of a Kenyan Legislator. He has been calling journalists to alert them to a chapter in the book which details how he and others helped hire crowds to attend a rally organised by one of the presidential candidates in the 2007 elections.
Several confidants of Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka are reportedly sending out feelers to people close to Prime Minister Raila Odinga in the hope that the two can reach some arrangement for 2012. The VP's confidants are reportedly not very comfortable with the Uhuru Kenyatta-William Ruto axis as far as their man's presidential candidacy is concerned and are exploring the possibility of Kalonzo working with Raila.

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