
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lawyer wants Nyong’o, Kajwang charged over PEV


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NAIROBI, Kenya Mar 29 - A Nairobi lawyer has now filed a petition seeking prosecution of three top leaders of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) over their alleged involvement in planning the 2008 post-election violence.

Njenga Mwangi wants Attorney General Amos Wako to have Cabinet Ministers Anyang Nyong’o, Otieno Kajwang and Assistant Minister Elizabeth Ongoro arraigned in court over the deadly clashes that claimed the lives of 1,500 people.

He also wants a Mr Achola, who is a councillor of Utalii Ward in Kasarani prosecuted alongside the three leaders for alleged roles that led to the deadly chaos that hit the country soon after the disputed elections of 2007.

“I have filed the petition, and all I want is the AG to take action, incase he fails to take any action I shall move to the High Court to seek summonses,” he said in a telephone interview.

In his petition, Mr Mwangi said he had listed murder, forceful eviction and rape as part of the crimes he wanted the four to be prosecuted for in court.

“We have evidence to show that all these crimes were committed and we have evidence to show who was involved in planning them; that is why we want justice done,” he said.

Asked if his intention to move to court was politically motivated he said “all we want is justice. Anyone who wants to read politics in it is up to him, we stand for justice.”

Mr Nyong’o is the Secretary General of the ODM while Mr Kajwang and Ms Ongoro are members who have national influence as well as in their respective areas.

Mr Mwangi said he wants the four leaders held responsible for the crimes he says were committed in Mathare and Kibera slums where hundreds of people were killed and thousands more displaced.

Six Kenyans are wanted at the International Criminal Court on April 7 over their alleged roles in planning or funding the post election violence of 2008 when Raila Odinga claimed he had been robbed of his victory by incumbent President Mwai Kibaki.

The dispute was later resolved when former UN chief Koffi Annan mediated the crisis and convinced President Kibaki to share power with his bitter rival who was then named Prime Minister.

A commission was later formed to investigate the cause of the violence in the country and handed its report to the two principals and Dr Annan.

The report was also handed over to the ICC which initiated an investigation after Kenya failed to establish a local tribunal to try masterminds of the chaos.

ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo has now zeroed in on Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Uhuru Kenyatta, Head of the Civil Service Amb Francis Muthaura and former Police Commissioner Mohammed Hussein Ali as the ones to blame for the chaos in the country.

Others wanted by the ICC include suspended Higher Education Minister William Ruto, Tinderet MP Henry Kosgey as well as Kass FM Radio Presenter Joshua arap Sang.

All the six suspects have been summoned to make an initial appearance at The Hague on April 7 and April 8.

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