
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Team to drive new law implementation formed

Lawyer Charles Nyachae will chair the Commission on Implementation of the new Constitution, charged with implementing the new Constitution after President Kibaki signed into law a Bill establishing the CIOC December 30, 2010. FILE
Lawyer Charles Nyachae will chair the Commission on Implementation of the new Constitution, charged with implementing the new Constitution after President Kibaki signed into law a Bill establishing the CIOC December 30, 2010. FILE 
By PPSPosted Thursday, December 30 2010 at 13:57

President Kibaki has signed into law a Bill establishing the commission charged with implementing the new Constitution.
The Commission on Implementation of the new Constitution (CIOC) will oversee the implementation of the new law and it will be chaired by lawyer Charles Nyachae.
Also signed into law are Bills setting up the Revenue Allocation Commission and the Judicial Service Commission.
A statement from the President's office said the move marked "a major milestone in the Constitution implementation process ahead of the New Year".
Mr Nyachae and members of his commission were interviewed by the Public Service Commission of Kenya and later vetted and approved by Parliament, said the statement.
The other members to the Commission are: Prof Peter Wanyande, Dr Ibrahim M. Ali, Dr Elizabeth Muli, Dr Florence Omosa, Ms Catherine Muma, Mr Kamotho Waiganjo, Mr Philemon Mwaisaka Wawaka and Mr Kibaya Imaana Laibuta.
The JSC will recommend to the President persons for appointment as judges.
It will also be responsible for reviewing and making recommendations on the conditions of service for judges and judicial officers and the staff of the Judiciary as well establish the National Council of the Administration of Justice among other functions.
Its members include: Mr Ahmednasir Abdullahi, a nominee of the Law Society of Kenya, Prof Christine Kevin Abungu Mango and Bishop Antony Muheria nominated to represent the public.
Other members are High Court Judge Isaac Lenaola and Emily Ominde who were nominated by the Judges and Magistrates Association to represent the Bench.
The Revenue Allocation Commission (RAC) is critical in the new constitutional dispensation as it will be the key link between the national government and county governments in terms of equitable allocation of revenue.
The RAC will also monitor the national budget allocation to ensure balanced development countrywide and also decide on the budget numbers.
It will be headed by former Central Bank Governor Micah Cheserem.
Other members of the Commission are Fatuma Abdulkadir, Meshack J Onyango, Prof Wafula S Masai and Rose B Osoro, Prof Joseph Kimura, Amina Ahmed and Prof Raphael Munavu.
The secretary will be the Principal Secretary in the Finance Ministry.

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