
Friday, December 31, 2010

Ruto: Don't write me off just yet

ODM Deputy Party Leader William Ruto has claimed some people in ODM party celebrated after International Criminal Court Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo named him and five others as suspected perpetrators of post-election violence.
The Eldoret North MP alleged his rivals had schemed to block him from the 2012 presidential race, but expressed confidence he would have his name cleared, as he was innocent.
"Some people are celebrating for the falsehood they gave to Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) and the Waki Commission linking me and others to post-poll violence. But they should be told that their celebrations will be short-lived," Ruto said.
Ruto further said: "Their schemes, falsehood and propaganda to fix me for mistakes I did not commit will fail as the truth will prevail at the end of the day."
Speaking during a meeting with 1,200 officials from 460 women groups in his constituency, Ruto said he was confident that he would be around in 2012 to contest the presidency.
On Wednesday, Prime Minister Raila Odinga told a gathering of Kalenjin leaders who visited him in Kisumu that he could not betray the community after they voted for him in the last General Election.
"I am not a mad man or a donkey where people vote for me and then I kick them away," Raila said.
The PM claimed propaganda had been used in the Rift Valley against him and promised to tour the region to consolidate his support from early next year.
Favoured community
He said he favoured the Kalenjin in many ways, citing Cabinet appointments and creation of the position of deputy party leader for one of their own. He told the community not to fall into the traps of his enemies, who were now claiming he gave to the ICC the names of suspected masterminds of post-election violence.
Raila caused laughter when he said: "The Hague is not your mother’s house where you go in and walk out at will."
He added that cases already presented at the International Criminal Court could not be withdrawn.
But Ruto urged his supporters not to be distraught, saying the truth would prevail. "We are telling those who are celebrating that we will meet at the ballot box," said Ruto.
Eldoret South MP Peris Simam, Keiyo County Council Chairman Simon Chepseba and ODM North Rift co-ordinator Isaac Maiyo attended the function.
The former minister called for financial empowerment of women at the grassroots level.

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