
Friday, December 31, 2010

Palaver: 30/12/10

Published on 29/12/2010
Dear Mediator Raila Odinga, now that you have donned a Kofi Annan hat and packed your bags for Didier Drogba’s village in Abidjan, can you make a quick detour of Jos, a city between Nigeria’s mainly Muslim north and largely Christian south. There have been deadly clashes between Muslim and Christian youths in 2001, 2008 and last week, leaving scores dead and hundreds injured. A joint news conference of Muslim and Christian leaders accuses politicians of fanning the chaos by using religion to whip up trouble in Jos. Please bring the politicians there to speed on Kenya’s experience. And if need be, threaten to deposit a sealed envelope with Luis Moreno-Ocampo. Bon voyage.
So, crooning Sir Elton John, 62, the pianist and his civil partner David Furnish, 48, became parents to baby Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John on Christmas Day? The Press Association says John and David are "overwhelmed with happiness and joy". Now, US VP Joe Biden mumbled something last week to the effect that same-sex marriages are ‘inevitable’, Palaver reader James K suggests that it is, perhaps, time Kenya ended her "special relationship" with the US and blame it on the WikiLeaks cables and Ambassador Michael Ranneberger’s undiplomatic conduct.
Americans and Europeans are so furious for having listened to former veep Al Gore when he promised them a brave new world without winter. How then can thousands of travellers be stranded, airports snowed-in, roads frozen stiff, torrential rain washing Los Angeles and Kenyan flowers cannot get to European markets? Where is that global warming he promised and even got a Nobel Prize for the trouble? We, the citizens of the world, tunaomba serikali to charge him with committing the crime of lying against humanity.
And finally...
This is your column and needs faces of movers, shakers and shapers of society for sustenance. So, it is with great concern that Palaver asks for the whereabouts of: Cyrus Jirongo of the elusive Luhya fame, former joint Government Chief Whip George Thuo, former Public Works Assistant minister Dick Wathika, former Starehe MP of the famous ‘Merabon’ athletics Maina Kamanda, our very own Ambassador Number One Moses Wetang’ula, and latter-day King Solomon Samuel Kivuitu. Say something folks.

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