
Friday, December 31, 2010

Kumekucha Person of the Year 2010 Is...

Despite her involvement in the Kibaki electroral theft of 2007 (still we are talking about 2010 and NOT 2007 or 2008). The iron lady has bounced back and this year played a critical role politically that impacted the largest number of Kenyans positively. Karua’s gigantic achievements this year include her pivotal role in consensus building that saw the successful passing of the new constitution in parliament and then the successful campaign in the referendum that followed giving Kenyans what has eluded them for over two decades. Not to mention her position in many debates in the August house that has tended to reflect the will of the people.

This is the presidential candidate that Kumekucha would be happy to support and vouch for in 2012. It is our official position that Kenyan voters should quit doing the same thing (electing men) and expecting different results and go for a woman president this time round. One of the things this could do is help diffuse the tribal emotions that have dogged our politics with such tragic results. It is my firm belief that Karua can duplicate in Kenya what the other Iron lady Margaret Thatcher did for Britain (I doubt whether the Brits will see such prosperity again).

She may not be very lovable and she is certainly not as sexy as Charity Ngilu but she can certainly get the job done and deliver results. She may just be the person to help us usher in the brand new Kenya we all so eagerly yearn for.

Despite her involvement in helping Kibaki achieve the evil of 2007 election fraud, she cannot be held fully responsible. The buck stops with the president himself and those close to him have to follow orders and do as instructed. We are not absolving her, she still stands accused for that terrible chapter in Kenyan history but sometimes the greatest achievers are those who have fallen and risen again or made terrible mistakes and still bounced back. Martha “comeback” Karua has surely transformed herself beautifully for the good of the Kenyan people.

First Runner Up: Gitobu Imanyara

Second runner up: Mohamed Abdikadir

I have included comments in red below next to some of the other nominations.

1. Martha Karua

2. Gitobu Imanyara.

3. COE (commitee of Experts)

4. PLO Lumumba (was in contention but it is still too early to start popping the Champaign.)

5. Mohamed Abdikadir (Led a team and indeed achieved a lot-that is why he ended up 3rd. But he cannot take the lion’s share of the credit just because he was in the limelight most.)

6. Manu Chandaria

7. Caroline Mutoko

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