
Friday, October 22, 2010

Ruto: "I will be back"

By Beauttah Omanga

Mr William Ruto appeared to blame Prime Minister Raila Odinga for his political tribulations, vowed he would fight back, and promised he would return to the Cabinet.

"I have gone through such turbulent waters in the past and I am not new to what I am facing now. Nobody should count me out yet," he declared.

With the declaration Ruto also appeared to surrender his fate to the slow-turning wheels of justice — probably hoping the case is concluded early enough before registration for the 2012 presidential race closes.

Saying he disagreed with both the PM and President Kibaki, who sanctioned his suspension — but still insisting he respects their decision — the Eldoret North MP handed his office to Hellen Sambili with a rider he would be back.

Speaking for the first time since he was asked to step aside over the Sh96 million-court case against him Ruto, who has his eyes trained on State House, declared he was neither unshaken nor deflated. He said he will be kept going by the will to prove his detractors wrong and to show Kenyans he was an innocent man crucified for political reasons.

The man, who could easily be Kenya’s most talked about politician after Raila and Kibaki, claimed he was a victim of a wider scheme aimed at finishing him politically.

"I was the first and the only minister to face a censure Motion. They accused me of having a hand in a maize scandal, with an aim of bringing me down and they did not succeed," he said.

The suspension of Ruto — who was in February suspended by Raila over allegations he was involved in the maize scandal only to be reversed by Kibaki the same day — was yet another hitch on his political progression this year. After surviving the February suspension, he was relegated to the low-profile Ministry of Higher Education, and his Agriculture portfolio given to Sally Kosgei — also from the Orange Democratic Movement.

Thursday, Ruto handed over his Cabinet portfolio to Prof Sambili, whose United Democratic Movement party is affiliated to ODM.
Former Higher Education Minister William Ruto (centre) handed over to Prof Hellen Sambili at Jogoo House, Thursday. PS Prof Chripus Kiamba also attended the function. [PHOTO: Moses Omusula/STANDARD]

"I honestly wish you well as you focus on the case before you. It is my prayer that you will be cleared to come back here and carry on with the good work you had started," Sambili, who is also the East African Community Minister, told Ruto as she took over in an acting capacity.

Pitching his optimism on the fact that he survived the maize scandal, Ruto claimed his political enemies came up with the February suspension that flopped. This was a jibe at Raila, his one-time political ally, who announced the suspension then.

"As a result of the scheme, they ordered a forensic audit on my work in relation to the maize saga, they ordered the Kenya Anti- Corruption Commission to investigate (me), but all those vindicated me. I am sure I will overcome this one too," he said.

Political ambitions

Describing himself as self-made politician Ruto said just like others he has his own political game plan. He described himself as a principled politician with beliefs, principles, and values he holds dear. "I am not the type that follows political wind. I will be true to myself and i will not follow other people blindly. My political ambitions have a national outlook,’’ he said.

Kibaki shoved Ruto aside on Tuesday evening after consultations with Raila at Harambee House. The Eldoret North MP argued even though he did not agree with the decision of the two principals, they were within the law to suspend him.

"As a politician with ambitions, one must have his own game plan since without one, you will end up playing other people’s games in which you won’t have control," he added.

He argued as far as he was concerned the accusations against him did not merit his suspension from the Cabinet, but opted to accept the action against him. "The principals acted legitimately even though I do not agree with them. Given the circumstances they were right to act (suspend me) the way they did."

"Now that I am out, I will devote my energies to the case and ensure the truth is established to set us free. As far as I am concerned that case has neither basis nor truth," he said.

The ODM MP said he would be ready for any verdict to be delivered by the courts concerning the corruption case against him. Asked to comment on whether other ministers facing similar accusations should also be shown the door, Ruto said it was not his business to advise the appointing authority.

"Let everyone carry his or her own cross. I have been given mine, which I want to carry on my own. It is up to those with power to order leaders to carry their crosses to decide on whether those still in office should face the same action like me."

On the pending case Ruto said he expected the courts to expeditiously deal with the matter given its implications. "Given the case has dragged on for so long, it is my hope that the Judiciary will move with speed to dispense with it," said Ruto.

Mixed reactions

He said his position in ODM, as a Deputy Party Leader, was not of consequence at the moment as his priority was to fight the court case.

The suspension continued to elicit mixed reactions from leaders with ministers expressing different views.

Ministers William ole Ntimama, Chirau Mwakwere, and Njeru Githae said the President was within the law to suspend him and dismissing claims they acted on political motives.

The Heritage minister said if there were other ministers and Government officials facing criminal charges, they, too, should be suspended.

Githae said the rule of law must prevail without those cited claiming they were being targeted.

But South Mugirango MP Manson Nyamweya said: "Ruto should not cry over the sacking or make his supporters feel he was being targeted. The best he can now do is to assemble the best defence team he can afford and pursue the court matter as a man."

Assistant Minister Adan Duale defended Ruto, saying: "You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to see clearly that Ruto has been targeted. There are some people who have been baying for his political blood for a while now."

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