
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Moi seeks meeting with Kibaki over Mau evictions

Former President Daniel arap Moi during a fundraiser at Kipkorir Salat Secondary School in Konoin, Bomet County. He is seeking a meeting with President Kibaki to find a solution to the plight of thousands of squatters evicted from Mau Forest last year.

Posted Sunday, October 31 2010 at 15:37

Former President Daniel arap Moi will seek a meeting with President Mwai Kibaki to find a solution to the plight of thousands of squatters evicted from Mau Forest last year.

Mr Moi, who spoke at the weekend, asked MPs to keep politics and malice out of the sensitive issue of resettling the squatters. A structured approach involving all players, he said, would result in a solution.

He said: “The Mau forest problem needed a soberly structured approach and not malicious politics.”

The former president, who is said to be one of the beneficiaries of land in the country’s main water tower, was speaking during a fund raising meeting at Kipkorir Salat Secondary School in Konoin. A total of Sh2,188,000 was raised. He gave a personal donation of Sh800,000.

Mr Moi promised to see President Kibaki to discuss a humane solution to the debacle.

He further criticised the new Constitution saying it had increased tribalism with counties as the bastions of the vice.

“Human rights bodies should support the retention of the Provincial Administration and especially the chiefs, as impartial arbiters in a politically polarised country,” he said..

At the same time, he cautioned the National Cohesion Commission against gagging people expressing genuine concerns about issues affecting them.

He told the Rift Valley residents to remain firmly in the party Kanu - the oldest political party in the country- and speak with one voice and advised against premature campaigning for Senate and gubernatorial posts.

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