
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Minister quits over embassy saga

NAIROBI, Kenya, Oct 27 - Moses Wetangula has stepped aside as Foreign Affairs Minister hours after his Permanent Secretary Thuita Mwangi took a similar move to pave way for investigations into allegations of corruption over procurement and disposals of some embassies abroad.

Mr Wetangula told a press conference shortly after 3pm that he is innocent of the allegations of corruptions.

“I have made a personal decision to step aside as Minister for Foreign affairs to give room and pleasure to those who have been haunting and tormenting me,” he said.

“I know my innocence is guaranteed because I have not acted contrary to the laws,” he maintained.

“If you read that report there is no where they have said the Minister did this or that or received any amount of money.

“Political responsibility does not mean that when you are a politician you carry the crimes of another person or a group if it has been committed unless there is proof that you acted in unison.

“I can assure you I will be back to the Cabinet once the investigations are completed because I know I am innocent,” he told the press conference at his office.

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