
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Parliamentary caucus to present bills for implementation of new law

The Parliamentary Caucus for Reforms meeting in Naivasha has resolved to work together regardless of party affiliations to ensure that the implementation of the new Constitution is not hampered by a delay in bringing urgent Bills to the Parliament.

In a press release after a two day meeting in Naivasha, the chairman of the Caucus, Danson Mungatana said since there was need to bring to the house private members' bills to avoid delaying the implementation of the Constitution.

He said members of the Caucus working across all parties would bring one or two private members' bills to parliament when it reconvenes next week.

Mungatana said this was meant to expedite the implementation process and ensure parliament fulfills its rightful mandate in implementing the new constitution.

"We urge the House Business Committee to table the names of the members of the Oversight Committee on Implementation of the Constitution as soon as possible so that work on the implementation of the new Constitution can begin. We expect the names as early as next week," Mungatana said.

The Caucus is also working with the youth as a key stakeholder in developing private members' bills that would help realize the aspirations of Article 55 of the Constitution to the letter and spirit.

The Workshop which is meant to discuss the implementation of the new Constitution ends on Monday.

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