
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Annan says Bashir presence in Kenya a surprise

NAIROBI, Kenya, Aug 29 - Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on Sunday said that he was surprised to see Sudanese President Omar Al-Bashir in Nairobi.

Mr Annan under the Panel of Eminent African Personalities brokered Kenya’s peace process that ended the blood post 2007 election violence that saw over 1500 Kenyans killed and more than 500,000 displaced said in a statement.

Mr Annan and his team were behind reforms that saw Kenya getting a new Constitution after more than 20 years of struggle.

“Like many, I was surprised by the presence of President Al-Bashir of Sudan in Nairobi for the promulgation of Kenya’s new constitution,” Mr Annan’s statement said.

“Kenya has specific obligations as a signatory of the Rome statute and is also cooperating with the International Criminal Court (ICC) on investigations relating to the 2007/8 election violence.”

“In the circumstances, the Government should clarify its position and reaffirm its cooperation with and commitment to the ICC.”

There has been a mixed reaction across the globe over the invitation of President Al-Bashir by Kenya with US, EU and across section of Kenyans condemning it.

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