
Thursday, July 1, 2010

'Yes' minister heckled in Machage backyard

Gender minister Esther Murugi's attempt to drum up support for the proposed constitution in Kuria West district failed after she was shouted down by locals.

Trouble started when the Nyeri Town MP, who is in the Yes camp, told the crowd that they stood to gain more from provisions in the proposed constitution compared to the current one.

The minister’s sentiments were met with hostilities from the crowd who shouted 'No'.


They said that area MP Wilfred Machage was being victimised for championing the community’s interests.

Dr Machage was suspended as assistant minister for roads after he was charged with incitement to violence two weeks ago.

He was accused of uttering words that were likely to stir ethnic hatred during the launch of the No secretariat.

Ms Murugi, who was accompanied by the PS in her Ministry Dr James Nyikal, was the guest of honour during an occasion organised by the Kuria Council of Elders to denounce female genital mutilation in the community held at Ikerege Divisional Headquarters Thursday.

She called on the Kuria community to discard the retrogressive practice of female circumcision, which she said cause women health problems.

Dr Machage is among politicians opposed to the proposed constitution, who are championing its rejection at the August 4 referendum.

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